London Mayday Monopoly game guide 2001

May Day Monopoly booklet cover - using imagery from the Monopoly board game.

Booklet produced for May Day 2001, which combines radical history and information on potential locations of interest to anti-capitalists.

Submitted by Fozzie on March 15, 2025

Libcom also hosts a brief write up of the day here.




2 days 10 hours ago

Submitted by goff on March 15, 2025

Propaganda from the 90s to the early 00s was always aesthetically on point. The Landlord’s Game is public domain still, long thought it’d be a piece of piss to turn out an anarcho version. DM if you have money or connections to Hasbro for sabotage.


1 day 21 hours ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on March 16, 2025

It's the little things that betray the whole:

Now the government wants to sell off British Nuclear Fuels — a sure way to create a disaster.

I have no idea whether the reactors at Fukushima and Chernobyl were state or private owned capital?

goff, my great uncle Honza used to be a salesman for Marx-Palitoy. The company had a salesroom in Great Portland Street the length of a football pitch. In the holidays, I would go down there to play. When I got to be a "man", I would be taken out for an Indian at lunchbreak, then back to the salesroom for the rest of the afternoon. I have had a charmed life, but no money for your pitch, sorry.


1 day 17 hours ago

Submitted by goff on March 16, 2025

Fair point, nuclear disasters must be democratised.


1 day 8 hours ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on March 16, 2025

Yah, right, social-democratised.