Karl Marx: a biography - David McLellan (3rd edition) Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. David McLellan's biography of Karl Marx - 3rd edition (1995). Copied to clipboard Attachments David McLellan - Karl Marx - A Biography.docx (1.49 MB) David McLellan - Karl Marx - A Biography.odt (1.5 MB) Karl Marx: a biography - David McLellan (3rd edition) (8.14 MB) Karl Marx Marxism biographies David McLellan PDF Comments
Stirner, Feurbach, Marx and the Young Hegelians - David McLellan A summary of Stirner's ideas and their strong impact on his fellow Young Hegelians. McLellan asserts…
Karl Marx: the story of his life - Franz Mehring Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. 'Karl Marx: The Story of His Life' (German: 'Karl Marx. Geschichte seines Lebens'), first…
Value, price and profit - Karl Marx Speech by Marx to the First International Working Men's Association, June 1865
Karl Marx - Karl Korsch Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. Left communist Karl Korsch's detailed biography of Karl Marx.
Lessons of the counterrevolutions - Amadeo Bordiga A 1953 text in which Amadeo Bordiga examines the lessons of counterrevolutions from the defeat of Spartacus to the Battle of Legnano in 1176 and…
"Je ne suis pas marxiste" - Michael Heinrich Michael Heinrich argues that Marx was not after a “Marxism” as an identity-defining “truth.” Rather, he was more interested in the critical…