The October-November 1935 issue of Vanguard, an anarchist journal published out of New York, with articles by Sam Dolgoff, Gregori Maximov, and Sidney Solomon.

-War and the labor movement by I.A.C. Press Service
-The A.F. of L. convention by S.W. (a.k.a. Sam Dolgoff)
-Where is Petrini? by I.A.C. Press Service
-Counter-revolution and the Soviet Union by Gregori Maximov
-The transitional period by Senex
-The United Front by S. Weiner (a.k.a. Sam Dolgoff)
-What kind of unionism? by Roman Weinrebe
-On the class war front by S. Morrison (a.k.a. Sidney Solomon)
-The international movement: France, Spain
-From our mail box
-Book review: The Principles of Anarchism by Dr. J.A. Maryson, review by Senex (a.k.a. Mark Schmidt)
-Class war prisoners by J.Garcia
-For your immediate attention
-Financial statement