Anti-guerilla fiasco in Athens begins to unravel

The anti-guerrilla fiasco directed by the panicked outgoing government has began to unravel in Athens with bombing victim accusing the police of a setting-up innocent radicals.

Submitted by taxikipali on September 28, 2009

It was the right wing government's last stunt and it has already collapsed in widespread public dismay.

The arrest of four 19-21 kids last week by the anti-terrorist squad of the greek police in relation to the Nuclei of Fire Conspiracy urban guerrilla group was publicised by the hated right wing regime of the country as a major security success. Only the cops in charge failed to live up to the standards of their bosses: the only concrete evidence of any involvement of the arrested in the bombing campaign launched by the NFC since last spring was supposed to be the existence of a pressure cooker bomb in the house stormed last week. The NFC has been using explosive mechanisms in pressure cookers against its selected targets, mainly house of MPs and police leaders (with no human injuries as warning calls are always made beforehand). The problem is that in their confiscation report the cops failed to note any such mechanism in the notorious pressure cooker that has incriminated the arrested. The confiscation report only mentions a pressure cooker with no content details as one would expect if a bomb was inside it. This has now put the whole case in crisis, trigering a series of contradictions regarding the case crowning the government's inglorious 5 year rule.

The fiasco that started unraveling in the press last Sunday has been supplanted by a statement of the shadow minister of economics of the incoming government of PaSoK (Socialist Party), Luka Katseli, whose house was bombed on the day of the arrests. The MP stated:

"Regarding the case of the arrest of the people supposed to be members of the NFC, I would like to stress that as long as it comes to my power I will not allow anyone, journalist or not, to destroy the future of 20 year old children fro political reasons. It is obvious that this is all an election trick of the right wing; they are trying to portray 20 year old children as ruthless terrorists"

The statement of the bombed socialist has received a furious response by the government which is tearing its clothes at the exposition of its farce. The arrested kids have all refused any involvement in the armed struggle and will be hearing accusations by the State Inquisitor tomorrow morning.



15 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by taxikipali on September 28, 2009

In an interesting twist in the theater of the absurd this morning the PaSoK MP has denied making the statement claiming that her website where it is centrally featured was "hacked". Its more likely she was disciplined by the Party...


15 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on September 28, 2009

Very bizarre!


15 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by frob on September 30, 2009

There's a typo in the title, it's „unravel” not „unravell”.

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