"Response to my targeting by the police and the media", by 60 year old antiauthoritarian in Athens

Amidst endless media reports targeting him in relation to the anti-terrorist operation that are plaguing Athens, a veteran anti-authoritarian social struggler, Manolis Barahas published today an open letter to the authorities.

Submitted by taxikipali on April 14, 2010

As rumors of more imminent detentions or arrests in Athens today are spreading, one of the people targeted, the 60 year old Manolis Barahas, veteran social struggle and antiauthoritarian published an open letter to the authorities.

Response to my targeting by the police and the media

I am the “intellectual”, the “leader”, the “citizen of Magnesia”, the one “who performs often excursions to Athens and Ikaria”, the one “with an organisational role in anti-autoritarian mobilisations” – one wonders, does your list have an end?

Am I good enough for the “profile” you know so well how to construct, in cases of creating “terrorist organisations”?

Is perhaps something missing from your zig-saw and I fit for the job?

• Yes, then, I am 60 year old (although in the mileu I belong there are no leaders, let alone middle-aged ones!)
• Yes, I am the inhabitant of the house you searched on Sunday 11 2010 in Kypseli (21 Sporadon street), without any results of course.
• Yes, I am the father of the wife of Kostas Gournas (he is my son in law!)
• Yes, I am the granfather of their two 16 month old children, and finally
• Yes, I am an anti-authoritarian.

I confess that I took part since the 1970s in social-class struggles, that are being performed by the opressed against the state and capital. And because my list is big, I will refer to the recent past. I took part and I take part energetically in the “coordinating assembly for refugees and immigrants”, in movements of solidairty to the insurgent Zapatistas of Mexico, to movements of solidarity to prisoners, in the “solidarity assembly to K. Kouneva”, in the “People’s Assembly of Petralona-Thisio-Koukaki”, and in the “PIKPA squat” by locals of these areas.

And in order to facilitate your researches, I announce to you that these days (ever since your amazing arrests and searches began) I am next to my daughter, in her house, whuch you searched on Sunday 11 April 2010.

It appears that the Holywood super-spectaclt of busting the ‘Revolutionary Struggle’ has been the best pill for you to muddy up the waters. In order to pass your anti-social anti-worker measures, as well as the supervision of the country by the IMF.

It is beyond doubt that the solidarity to the people persecuted for their participation in the ‘Revolutionary Struggle’ is self-evident and massive. I am part of the people in solidarity and shall be until their liberation.

The criminalisation of family and friendly relation of those who resist is a well known tactic of yours, and I stand coscientiously against it.

Athens, Tuesday 13 April 2010
Manolis Berahas

P.S. Regarding the space in Kypseli, it is not the home, as it has been misleadingly written in the official search report, of my son in law Kostas Gournas, but the professional space of myself and my brother.



14 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by taxikipali on April 14, 2010

Note: It must be noted that the four arrests made today in Kallithea and reported by the media to be Revolutionary Struggle related, were in fact hooliganism related - a fact that underlines the climate of media scare-mongering and paranoia in greece at the moment.


14 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by taxikipali on April 14, 2010

Please correct the original post as indicated in the edited version...

In terms of context it should be noted that a new wave of strikes is mounting in greece, with taxi drivers having gone on a 48h strike, and the centre of Athens blocked by several demos, one by taxi drivers, one by farmers and one by health workers who are performing a 4h stoppage today. All street market grocery producers are on strike today, while yesterday they held a demo outside the Ministry of Education. Also lawyers are currently in a 3-day strike, while teachers will perform a walk-out from 11 a.m to 2 p.m and drivers of buses, trams, the metro and trolley buses will be performing a work stoppage between 11 a.m and 5 p.m tomorrow. ADEDY, the public sector union umbrella has announced a 24h strike for the 22nd of April.