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Title Submitted by Comments Posted
Kropotkin’s ideas and the international anarchist movement in the 1920s and 1930s - Vadim Damier Karetelnik 7 7 years ago
Electoralism or class struggle? - Phil Dickens Phil 1 7 years ago
"When you're done with a condom, you throw it out": New book reveals 2016 Hillary campaign was beset by vicious infighting Soapy 2 7 years ago
Minimum Wage in Missouri Set to Drop from $10 to under $8 el psy congroo 3 7 years ago
Toronto Pride Disrupted by 'Antifa'? potrokin 17 7 years ago
Anyone know about Red Envelopes? Reddebrek 2 7 years ago
Initial notes on the first-ever strike at Volkswagen Bratislava, Slovakia jura 21 7 years ago
The Mold riots: The summer of ‘69 wojtek 1 7 years ago
Spanish and Greek anarcho-syndicalism fighting for trade workers. bizantino 1 7 years ago
Anatomy of American Patriotism Ivysyn 5 7 years ago
1839-1846: The Anti-Renter movement Steven. 1 7 years ago
Communist Manifesto has been achieved... mk12 22 7 years ago
Grenfell Tower: A Tragedy Foretold Internationalist Communist Tendency 2 7 years ago
Interview: The Antifascist Assembly of Piraeus Rob Ray 1 7 years ago
Recollections, notes, reflections of WSA, 1984-2000 syndicalist 43 7 years ago
Revolution and counterrevolution in Catalonia - Carlos Semprún Maura Alias Recluse 12 7 years ago
The anarchist question in the Spanish revolution - Pepe Gutiérrez-Álvarez Alias Recluse 2 7 years ago
The class war in Spain - GIK and LCI Emanuel Santos 2 7 years ago
The Wee Man is Dead: An obituary of Robert Lynn martinh 1 7 years ago
Caliban and the witch - Silvia Federici subprole 5 7 years ago