Bureaucratic Comix Large poster by Ken Knabb, issued in January 1970 following the December-January worker revolt in Poland. Reprinted in Public Secrets: Collected…
Puzz comic in mid-1970s Italy Two short articles from the Revolt Against Plenty site on the radical magazine Puzz, followed by artwork and translations.
Address to New York City Public School Students (1968) A detourned comic produced by Bruce Elwell of the American section of the Situationist International…
How the Delinquents Politicized On police interest in a comic by Raoul Vaneigem. From Internationale Situationniste #12 (September 1969).
The Return of the Durutti Column - André Bertrand English translation of the detourned situationist comic that was printed using unauthorised student union funds at Strasbourg University in…
The Citadel and other Sordid Tales - Point Blank! Detourned images by Californian post-situationist group Point Blank in 1971.
Wildcat Comics - Contradiction Detourned comic issued June 1971 by the Californian situationist group Contradiction. 1500 copies were distributed to all San Francisco cable-car…
Student Life: An Introduction - Point Blank! A spoof guide for students at Stanford University which is actually a critique of student life and education. Produced by situationist group…
The Raven #33: Anarchism and the Arts 1996 issue of this anarchist journal, themed around art, culture, etc.
Point Blank! image gallery Assorted images and flyers by the San Francisco situationist group Point Blank! From the early 1970s. NB: Some are of poor quality. Get in touch…
Space Travel: an official guide for San Francisco commuters - Point Blank! Spoof leaflet critiquing travel, transport and commuting circulated by San Francisco situationist…
The Faction File - Pete Mastin An anthology of anarcho-squatter comics published by Hooligan Press in 1987.