Anti-gay Muslim forced out by protests A gay rights group are claming victory after anti-gay Muslim leader pulled out from speaking at a anti-fascist conference after gay protests.
Pasotti, Giuseppe, 1888-1951 A short biography of Italian anarchist, Giuseppe Pasotti, who ran a network to smuggle militants and materials into Spain during the Civil War.
Tronchet, Lucien, 1902-1981 A short biography of Swiss building worker, labour organiser and anarcho-syndicalist Lucien Tronchet.
British nazi leader hospitalised Eddy Morrison, leader of the fascist British People's Party was attacked and hospitalised today in Leeds as local people opposed to race hatred…
Charge of the New Red Brigade - The Independent on Red Action Article from The Independent on Sunday about socialist group Red Action, anti-fascism, the IRA and…
Tejada, Macario, 1913-1967+ Biographical information about Spanish soldier, anarchist and Civil War fighter Macario Tejada.
BNP paedophile jailed A former soldier and election candidate for the fascist British National Party in the Midlands has been jailed for 15 months after sending obscene images involving children to others.
BNP 'arsonist' in court A prominent member of the right-wing group the British National Party has appeared before a Lincoln court charged with multiple counts of arson and criminal damage.
White Rose documents All the leaflets published by the White Rose group of anti-fascists in Germany, including other documents and texts related to the group.
Interview with an Edelweiss Pirate - Walter Mayer Transcript of a short interview with Walter Mayer, a member of the German youth anti-Nazi organisation, the Edelweiss Pirates.
Capitalism at Work: The Bombing of Dresden - February 1945 Beyond the Celebration Anniversary : Capitalism at Work : The Bombing of Dresden - February 1945 - Communism #10