Dead fascist poets society: why Casa Pound are no book club The liberal commentariat seems to be completely unable to resist the allure of the far-right. The…
Down with the Bourgeois Republic! Down with Its Constitution! – Amadeo Bordiga An article from 1947 by Amadeo Bordiga in which he discusses the debate over the constitution of the…
Giuseppe Pinelli - Death of an Anarchist A radio interview by the BBC History Hour program on the death of the Anarchist Railway worker Giuseppe Pinelli and a discussion of the Strategy…
意大利菲亚特铸造厂1963年的野猫斗争 意大利1960年代“工人主义”的经典作品,关于1963年菲亚特汽车公司铸造厂的“夜猫”式斗争。早期“战斗性工人调查”的探索,也介绍了“阶级构成”、“阶级重组”等概念,关于工会如何限制了工人自我行动的分析。
Until Victory: film about struggles in Italy's meat industry New film about the struggle of workers organized in SI Cobas in the meat industry in Modena, Italy,…
Solidarity strikers accuse bosses of blacklisting in Bologna After days of being locked out of their warehouse for showing solidarity with colleagues on strike…
Workers stabbed and hit by car as pro-boss mob attacks picket One worker was stabbed and another hit by a car as a group of striking workers outside an SDA…
Photo gallery: warehouse workers' strike spreads across Italy Image gallery of the strikes in Italy's warehouses, which have spread from one warehouse in Carpiano…
Warehouse strikes across Italy as management tear up workers’ rights Solidarity strikes have broken out at warehouses across Italy, with workers blocking entrance gates…
Community action shuts down fascist meeting in Rome In Rome, hundreds of anti-fascist residents shut down a meeting between fascists and the local council, clashing with militants from far-right…
Fascism - Clara Zetkin Clara Zetkin's 1923 article on fascism from Labour Monthly. She talks about fascism as capital's response to the failure of the international…