Strange Meetings - David Wise David Wise responds to a recent MIT publication "A Gallery of Recuperation" on Jaime Semprun - via Portugal and Spain in the 1970s and eco…
Encyclopedie des Nuisances Online archive of English translations of Encyclopedia of Nuisances, a post-situationist review published from 1984-1992.
Stupefaction (Abasourdir) – Encyclopédie des Nuisances A 1985 article denouncing the fake “communication” disseminated by the mass media of our time that…
The period of decline – Miguel Amorós Notes for a presentation delivered in September 2017 at the Gijon Anarchist Book Fair on the social, psychological and moral aspects of the…
On Jaime Semprun: an interview with Miguel Amorós Miguel Amorós discusses the life and works of Jaime Semprun, with special emphasis on Semprun’s 1997 book, L'Abîme se repeuple (The Abyss…
The nuclearization of the world - Jaime Semprun In this Swiftian “nuclearist manifesto” first published in France in 1980, the author uses “laughable sophistry” and “black humor” “disguised as…
The revolution now and always - Miguel Amorós In this new Preface to the 2014 Spanish critical edition of Manuscript Found in Vitoria, Miguel Amorós discusses the historical background of the…
Preliminary discourse - Encyclopédie des Nuisances The introductory essay of the first issue of the journal, Encyclopédie des Nuisances (The Encyclopedia of Nuisances, or Encyclopedia of Harmful…
The abyss repopulates itself - Jaime Semprun A 1997 essay on the destructive effects of capitalism, the resulting “barbarism”, and the resurgence of ties of personal dependence (“neo…
Catastrophism, disaster management and sustainable submission - Rene Riesel and Jaime Semprun In this book first published in 2008, Jaime Semprun and René Riesel examine the…
From situationism to the abyss: a pamphlet against the harmful phenomena of the encyclopedia - Alpha Vingt A libertarian Marxist/communist critique of the Encyclopedie des Nuisances,…
The ghost of theory - Jaime Semprun In one of his last essays, a deeply pessimistic Jaime Semprun proclaims the death of "radical theory" and recommends "a good handbook on…