A condensed guide to Marxism: from the critique of capitalism to the classless society - Robin Goodfellow A paraphrase of Capital and the “Communist Manifesto” by former members of the…
Dunglaboro kaj Kapitalo: Karlo Markso Artikolo pri la rilato inter laboro kaj kapitolo en klaso socio.
Salajro, prezo kaj profito: Karlo Markso Parolado per Karlo Markso al la Internacia Asocio de Laboristoj en Junio 1865.
La interna milito en Francujo: Karlo Markso Teksto per Karlo Markso pri la fondis de la Pariza Komunumo kaj la destruado de la urbon per le Francujo registaro.
The poet of dialectics - Francis Wheen Karl Marx's Das Kapital is a ground-breaking work of economic analysis. But, argues Francis Wheen, it is also an unfinished literary masterpiece…
Marx's dialectic - Paul Mattick Jr. Paul Mattick Jr.'s conspectus of Marx's dialectic in relation to Hegel's dialectic and Logic. Mattick argues against such Marxists as Lenin that…
Marx: a radical critique - Alan Carter Alan Carter's libertarian communist critique of Marxism as an ideology developed by a rising "managerial-technical" class that would replace the…
O fetiche fala! - Fredy Perlman e Karl Marx PDF com ilustrações bem humoradas que explicam o fetichismo da mercadoria. História em quadrinhos elaborada por Fredy Perlman a partir de trechos…
Review of “Karl Marx” by Karl Korsch - Paul Mattick Paul Mattick Sr.'s 1939 review, from Living Marxism, of Karl Korsch' biography simply titled Karl Marx, first published in English in 1938…
A Marxist Critique of Anarchism Transcript of the opening remarks from a Marx Centenary special talk by Steve Coleman for the Socialist Party of Great Britain on 28 August 1982…
How the Paris Communards made their lives luxurious An interview about the Paris Communards' ideas about changing the world. From People & Nature