The Hiers Very short article by KAPD talking about the personality cult of Lenin in Russia. Originally published in "KAZ, 1924, No. 13".
Notes from Pankhurst on Lenin's Pamphlet "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder Some notes from Pankhurst on Lenin's pamphlet "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder, which…
Letter from Prison and Extracts from a Reply to Lenin - Gavril Miasnikov Letter from the left communist Gavril Miasnikov, which he wrote in 1924 while in a Soviet prison and…
The Pretension of "Class Consciousness" A critique of "class consciousness" from an anti-Leninist perspective.
Founding of the Comintern - Then and Now A century ago, from 2nd — 6th March 1919, 52 delegates, more than 40 from various political organisations outside Russia, met in Moscow.
Revolutionary Bureaucracy – Solidarity An article from Solidarity for Workers’ Power vol. 7, no. 11 on the nature of the bureaucratisation seen in the Russian Revolution.
Lenin on 'freedom of love' as a bourgeois demand Letters from Lenin to Inessa Armand Written on 1915 where he describes 'freedom of love' as a bourgeois demand. Furthermore freedom of love is…
Better Fewer, But Better In Lenin's final document, he laments how much of the Bolshevik state apparatus has been left over from Tsarism.
How We Should Reorganise the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection In one of Lenin's final works, he describes the Bolshevik state apparatus as "to a considerable…
Lenin orders the massacre of sex workers, 1918 Lenin's letter to G. F. Fyodorov ordering "mass terror, shoot and deport the hundreds of prostitutes who are making drunkards of the soldiers,…