The obsolescence of man - Volume 2 - Günther Anders Now, for the first time in English translation, The Obsolescence of Man, Volume II, in its entirety, by Günther Anders, first published in…
Throwing stones at progress - Miguel Amorós A relentless denunciation of the concept of “progress”, tracing its ideological roots to Saint Augustine and then to Turgot, its use in the…
Grey is the golden tree of life, green is theory - Robert Kurz In this 2007 essay, Robert Kurz examines the question of theory and practice from the perspective of…
Ten theses on Chernobyl – Günther Anders The text of a presentation delivered by the author to the Sixth World Congress of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War…
Unconscious objectivity - aspects of a critique of the mathematical natural sciences (excerpts) - Claus Peter Ortlieb A mathematician takes a sceptical look at the mathematical basis of modern natural…
Marx's theory, the crisis and the abolition of capitalism - Robert Kurz In this 2010 interview, Robert Kurz discusses Marx’s theory of crisis, the theories of “collapse”…
Robert Kurz interviewed by Sonia Montaño In this 2006 interview, Robert Kurz offers a succinct definition the “radical critique of value”, and discusses the nature of the commodity and…
Prophet of community: the romantic socialism of Gustav Landauer - Eugene Lunn Eugene Lunn's in-depth study of Gustav Landauer's life and thought.
The reaction in Germany - Mikhail Bakunin 'Die Reaktion in Deutschland. Ein Fragment von einem Franzosen’ first appeared in Arnold Ruge (ed.), Deutsche Jahrbücher fur Wissenschaft and…
Value and animals: A reply to "Towards a Marxist Animalism" A short comment upon a proposed re-working of Marx's value theory to include non-humans, arguing…
Science and Dogma: The Marxist Perspective An introduction to the Marxian approach to science and ideology.