Eugene Lunn's in-depth study of Gustav Landauer's life and thought. Copied to clipboard Attachments landauer-POC.pdf (9.84 MB) anarchism Germany philosophy biographies German Revolution 1918 libertarian socialism Gustav Landauer Eugene Lunn PDF Comments
Revolution and other writings - Gustav Landauer The comprehensive collection of Landauer's writing in English and a celebration of one of the most important agitators in the revolutionary…
Max Stirner: his life and his work - John Henry Mackay Max Stiner (1806-1856) was the philosopher of conscious egoism. His book Der Einzige und sein…
Anarchism in Germany and other essays - Gustav Landauer Five essays, together with a historical/biographical sketch of the legendary German anarchist…
Landauer, Gustav, 1870-1919 A short biography of German revolutionary Gustav Landauer, who was killed in the crushing of the German Revolution.
Biographies of and works about Rosa Luxemburg - reading guide Book length or pamphlet length (10,000 words+) or otherwise notable biographies of the life of and…
Stirner, Feurbach, Marx and the Young Hegelians - David McLellan A summary of Stirner's ideas and their strong impact on his fellow Young Hegelians. McLellan asserts…