Wrong to work! Two perspectives on the abolition of work ALL MUST WORK! declares the cabinet of millionaires. 'Workers not shirkers!', they implore. …
Art doesn't pay - Janet Steen Janet Steer on the reality of a career in the arts not being as glamorous as it's made out to be.
The refusal of work - Workers Committee of Porto Marghera This text was published by Italian chemical workers in the “Comitato operaio di Porto Marghera”, in…
We'll let you know when to come back - Kermit Johnson First hand account of Kermit Johnson, rank and file chairman for the strike committee during the…
Rivethead - Ben Hamper Down and out memoirs of a line assembly worker for GM Motors over the 1980s. In amongst co-workers going postal in the local bar, drinking on the…
Heat, work and genre - J.A. Lindstrom Film theory about the role of work, both illegal and legitimate, in Michael Mann's noir Heat.
A fan's notes - Frederick Exley A struggling alcoholic teacher reminiscences about a life of mental hospitals, failed job interviews and the feeling of being out of step with…
The tyranny of the clock - George Woodcock Short piece on the manufacture of accurate time and how the world became a more structured place, a worser one, overnight.
Decollectivization and recollectivization in the workplace: the impact of technology on informal work groups and work culture A look at technologies effects on informal work groups.
Fifty shades of capitalism: Pain and bondage in the American workplace Lynn Parramore on the sadism of modern wage labour.