A fantastic collection of essays by historian Paul Avrich on the lives and times of several prominent anarchists. Author Paul Avrich Copied to clipboard Attachments AnarchistPortraitsPaulAvrich.pdf (25.86 MB) Paul Avrich biographies Emma Goldman Mikhail Bakunin Alexander Berkman Nestor Makhno Comments
The Russian anarchists - Paul Avrich Paul Avrich's classic, and impeccably researched, study of the history of anarchism in Russia.
Sasha and Emma. The anarchist odyssey of Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman - Paul Avrich, Karen Avrich In 1889 Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman met in a Lower East Side coffee shop…
Volume 9 Issue 8 Mother Earth Vol. IX. No. 8 (October, 1914). New York, NY. Sourced from Greenwood Reprint Corporation's 1968 republication of Mother Earth in their Radical Periodicals in the United State…
Volume 10 Issue 5 Mother Earth Vol. X. No. 5 (July, 1915). Sourced from Greenwood Reprint Corporation's 1968 republication of Mother Earth in their Radical Periodicals in the United State 1890-1960 series,…
Top 10 Anarchists Jon D White's Top 10 Anarchists Disclaimer: Anarchists reject leaders and do not follow anyone. Top 10 Anarchists in terms of influence on theory of Anarchism through history. See also http:…
Freedom vol1 #9-10 October 1919 The final issue, including: Boston police strike, Kropotkin's Russia appeal, letter from Emma Goldman, Mollie Stimer arrest account, review of…