Sasha and Emma. The anarchist odyssey of Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman - Paul Avrich, Karen Avrich

In 1889 Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman met in a Lower East Side coffee shop. Over the next fifty years they became fast friends, fleeting lovers, and loyal comrades. This dual biography offers a glimpse into their intertwined lives, the influence of the anarchist movement they shaped, and their unyielding commitment to equality and justice.

Submitted by ASyndicalist on November 20, 2014



9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bocabill on December 20, 2015

Aside from being a renowned scholar and historian, my uncle Paul Avrich was also an embezzler and thief. He embezzled the sum of $125,000 in government issued bearer bonds from the estate of his deceased mother (my grandmother) Rose Avrich in an effort to deprive both myself and my mother (Paul's sister) Dorothy Avrich of our two-thirds entitlement to these funds (Paul was one-third beneficiary). His defense as presented through his attorney Sam Smith to the Miami-Dade Circuit Court Probate Division judge Robert H. Newman was "my mother wanted me to have the money for my children Jane and Karen" and it didn't fly. Jane Avrich and Karen Avrich were never mentioned in Rose Avrich's will. The judge appointed a monitor (attorney Paul Lipton) to investigate and the monitor concluded that there was indeed a theft. After a mediation hearing, Paul Avrich was ordered (as per a signed settlement agreement) to pay back the sum of $35,000 to the estate. Moral of the story here is that there was more to this man than meets the eye and people are only aware of his positive attributes, not his dark side. This information is all verifiable and contained in the estate of Rose Avrich court records.


William G. Avrich


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by akai on December 19, 2015

Well, l spoke to your uncle, who also liked me to refer to him as "uncle Paul", a few times a week in that period, with the Florida "family problems" l guess in 86-87. l heard a lot about Rose, some "problems" with a sister, but no details. Oh well... l guess that explains what that was about. Truthfully, l suspect there were more skeletons that that, and l have my own not great story about the man .... but personally l have no interest in talking about it. Not because l thought or think that anybody is a saint but my own story is nothing compared to what you said. l am sorry your uncle screwed you. ln general, l have seen many times how ugly issues of property and money can be in family and it makes me sick, so really, sorry you went through it. That all said, you are right people have good and bad sides. For example, your uncle was very kind to me at a time in my life when many people were cruel and l was basically living on the streets and he encouraged me to get an education. Looking back, l don't think is was so useful in my life, but lt was the thought that counted.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on December 19, 2015


Well, l spoke to your uncle, who also liked me to refer to him as "uncle Paul", a few times a week in that period, with the Florida "family problems" l guess in 86-87. l heard a lot about Rose, some "problems" with a sister, but no details. Oh well... l guess that explains what that was about. Truthfully, l suspect there were more skeletons that that, and l have my own not great story about the man .... but personally l have no interest in talking about it. Not because l thought or think that anybody is a saint but my own story is nothing compared to what you said. l am sorry your uncle screwed you. ln general, l have seen many times how ugly issues of property and money can be in family and it makes me sick, so really, sorry you went through it. That all said, you are right people have good and bad sides. For example, your uncle was very kind to me at a time in my life when many people were cruel and l was basically living on the streets and he encouraged me to get an education. Looking back, l don't think is was so useful in my life, but lt was the thought that counted.

We don't know if this is factual or not. Not that I was ever close to him. Though an Aunt & Uncle were actually students of his after they retired from factory and office work. I guess they were in their 60s at that time (about 30 years ago). They liked Prof. Avrich. I was always a bit leary. Anyway, If the neprew wants to PM some links or case number or spmething, I'd like to see it. I am also wonder how much of Prof. Avrich's slipping into alzhiembers had to do with some of the problems or wierdness around relations?


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bocabill on December 20, 2015

Thank you both for responding to my posting. I PM'd both of you my mobile telephone number. Every single word that I mentioned in my posting was 100% factual and if you go visit the Miami-Dade County Circuit Court Civil Probate Division on Flagler Street in downtown Miami, FL and pull the file on the Estate of Rose Avrich Case No.1986-002860-CP-02 you will see for yourself. The information is all contained in the file and is a matter of public record. Paul used to come over to my house in Jamaica Estates, Queens all throughout the 1960's and early 1970's with his wife Ina (her maiden name was Gelfand) and my younger first cousins (his daughters) Jane and Karen. They would come over for dinner on the Jewish holidays and Thanksgiving to visit my grandmother Rose Avrich who, along with my grandfather Murray Avrich and my mother Dorothy Avrich (Paul's sister) raised me from birth since 1958. My grandmother Rose was a very loving woman and my grandfather a very hardworking family man and a great provider who owned a dress manufacturing company on W. 34th Street in the Manhattan garment district. My mother Dorothy also was a beautiful person with a loving heart. They were of Russian-Jewish descent. Murray passed away in 1972 from a brain tumor and Rose in 1986 from a stroke. My mother Dorothy passed away in 2012 from Parkinson's Disease and I loved all of them more than anyone can imagine. Paul and Ina never liked me because my grandmother showed favoritism towards me as compared to her other grandchildren Jane and Karen. They never visited her on their own later on in life after she and I moved down to Florida and neither ever called her "grandma" or said "I love you", as I always did my entire life up until her passing. She told me many times that she was hurt by this lack of affection from her other estranged grandchildren. It is no small wonder then why she never left them a dime in her will and so apparently, Paul decided that he would just take (or should I say steal) what he felt should be their rightful inheritance after my grandmother past on. Sad that such a highly esteemed and scholarly professor in the public's eye would commit so heinous a transgression towards his own flesh and blood. Nevertheless, when my mother Dorothy passed in 2012, I buried her next to Paul in the Mount Carmel Cemetery in Brooklyn, and I purchase the plot on the other side of my mom for myself. I did this only out of respect for my grandparents and to keep the family together as I knew that this is what the would have wanted despite any familial differences that might have existed. After all, Paul was my mother's brother despite the horrible thing that he did to her and I, his only nephew. Paul was healthy and lucid when he committed the embezzlement. He did not contract Alzheimer's until years later. My mother Dorothy used to always tell me that her brother was a "very sick man" and I knew that she was not referring to his physical health. She also advised that he would confide in her with regards to his emotional and marital problems. I learned afterwards exactly what she meant. After petitioning the court, I succeeded in having the estate re-opened by Judge Robert H. Newman and I provided photocopies of the bearer bonds which Paul never included the estate's final accounting. Thank God my mother had the foresight to save copies of the bond certificates. My former probate attorney Victor K. Rones both assisted me with and witnessed these arduous legal proceedings. He is still practicing law in North Miami Beach, FL.


William G. Avrich


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Fleur on December 20, 2015

I am very sorry for your family disputes and financial improprieties alleged against your relative but does this have any bearing on the lives of and relationship between Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, which is what I imagine is the main purpose of posting this book to this site?


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bocabill on December 20, 2015


I am very sorry for your family disputes and financial improprieties alleged against your relative but does this have any bearing on the lives of and relationship between Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, which is what I imagine is the main purpose of posting this book to this site?

Obviously it doesn't but the purpose of my narrative is to let people know that this brilliant and renowned history scholar was also a money-hungry embezzler who stole from his own family. I tried posting this information on his Wikipedia page but was not able to so, I sought out a venue and this one came in handy to expose my evil Uncle Paul Avrich. I am glad that I did because the previous two individuals who replied to my post also had some interesting thoughts to share. I believe that to read the man, one should also know the man and understand how his mind works.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on December 20, 2015

Thank you for the information William and Karen
I'll leave it hear by saying whatever the facts may actually be, it's a pity


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bocabill on December 20, 2015


Thank you for the information William and Karen
I'll leave it hear by saying whatever the facts may actually be, it's a pity

I agree with you on that point. A REAL pity and a tragedy. No one wanted it to turn out like that, except Paul. My grandmother and Paul's mother Rose would have cut him out of her will completely had she known that her own son was an embezzler and a thief who would steal blood money from his own sister and nephew.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Sleeper on December 20, 2015

Thank you for the positive thoughts on Berkman. I've read his prison memoirs as well as other works and you are right that the anarchist movement is lacking a well researched and well written history of Alexander Berkman. It's all out there waiting to be collated and written up.

Kate Sharpley

reviewed: Some thoughts on Alexander Berkman


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by akai on December 21, 2015

Anyway, Bocabill, is the guy with the extortion record somehow.... um... you? ls this you with your own hater? And this is actually quite funny.

The thing is that when you look up Florida cases for Avrich, you seem to be the most famous. :-) OK, just saying. l'm sharing the last link with a friend. He'll get a kick out of it, really.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Fleur on December 21, 2015


Anyway, Bocabill, is the guy with the extortion record somehow.... um... you? ls this you with your own hater? And this is actually quite funny.

The thing is that when you look up Florida cases for Avrich, you seem to be the most famous. smile OK, just saying. l'm sharing the last link with a friend. He'll get a kick out of it, really.

Yes, when I googled Avrich, Florida i came up with the same thing.
There's a man there called William G Avrich in Boco Raton, with an extensive felony rap sheet for extortion, embezzlement of over $100K against someone over the age of 65, stalking, harrassment, domestic violence against his former wife and his mother, who was called Dorothy.
A coincidence maybe?
Either way, perhaps it may not be a good idea to leave your wallet unguarded around Floridian men named Avrich. Or give him your phone number - he's got extensive form for abusive and obscene phone calls.

Seriously though, barging into a thread with a gripe about property inheritance, as if many anarchists would give a shit. How fucking bourgeois can you get?


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Karetelnik on December 21, 2015

It's sad that Paul Avrich gets dragged through the mud on this thread over stuff far removed from the topic at hand. Like a couple of other commentators, I had some interaction with him and found him to be a considerate person. Although he certainly wasn't an anarchist, he understood what anarchism is about and earned the trust of many anarchists, including some who were not easy to get along with. He left his extensive archive to a public institution so it is available for future generations. Among the languages he mastered was Yiddish, and this allowed him access to the rich history of East European anarchism.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Fleur on December 21, 2015

Maybe admin can delete all this crap about who got the family silver? It's not relevant to Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on December 21, 2015


Maybe admin can delete all this crap about who got the family silver? It's not relevant to Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman.

I'd be supportive of that


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bocabill on December 22, 2015



Anyway, Bocabill, is the guy with the extortion record somehow.... um... you? ls this you with your own hater? And this is actually quite funny.

The thing is that when you look up Florida cases for Avrich, you seem to be the most famous. smile OK, just saying. l'm sharing the last link with a friend. He'll get a kick out of it, really.

Yes, when I googled Avrich, Florida i came up with the same thing.
There's a man there called William G Avrich in Boco Raton, with an extensive felony rap sheet for extortion, embezzlement of over $100K against someone over the age of 65, stalking, harrassment, domestic violence against his former wife and his mother, who was called Dorothy.
A coincidence maybe?
Either way, perhaps it may not be a good idea to leave your wallet unguarded around Floridian men named Avrich. Or give him your phone number - he's got extensive form for abusive and obscene phone calls.

Seriously though, barging into a thread with a gripe about property inheritance, as if many anarchists would give a shit. How fucking bourgeois can you get?

Let's get something straight asshole...if you don't like the truth about Paul Avrich as I stated it and as also is reflected in the court records, go cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it. At least I am not posting anonymously like you scumbags who are defending my scumbag uncle Paul Avrich. I am very glad that he dropped dead in 2006. Too bad the bastard didn't kick sooner than that. As for you, you can drop dead as well. I am a very successful businessman with no debt and living the life. Bet that just makes you feel real good now doesn't it...asshole.

By the way, speaking of all things criminal, I seem to recall reading about a pedophile nicknamed "Fleur" once...couldn't perhaps be the same person with his head up his ass posting bullshit on this site, now could it?

Fuck all of you anarchists. It would be great if Stalin were still alive and could round all of you up and ship you to the gulags and work you all to death.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bocabill on December 22, 2015



Maybe admin can delete all this crap about who got the family silver? It's not relevant to Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman.

I'd be supportive of that

You don't like it? Well as they say in Poland, "tuff-shitski". Live with it and enjoy it. The "family silver" stolen by a communist creep with a PH.D. who should have had his ass locked up in jail for embezzlement. He's very lucky that Judge Newman went easy on him.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on December 22, 2015

Nice guy^^^^ sitting round the Avrich holiday table must've been a real pleasure
A good whopping might be in order for anyone who batters their spouse and Mother


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bocabill on December 22, 2015


It's sad that Paul Avrich gets dragged through the mud on this thread over stuff far removed from the topic at hand. Like a couple of other commentators, I had some interaction with him and found him to be a considerate person. Although he certainly wasn't an anarchist, he understood what anarchism is about and earned the trust of many anarchists, including some who were not easy to get along with. He left his extensive archive to a public institution so it is available for future generations. Among the languages he mastered was Yiddish, and this allowed him access to the rich history of East European anarchism.

Speaking Yiddish didn't make him a better person. So what? Lots of crooks speak the language. Anarchists should all be rounded and put into internment camps. I would love to see it happen.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bocabill on December 22, 2015


Nice guy^^^^ sitting round the holiday table must've been a real

That's right with it.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on December 22, 2015

Dude, look both ways crossing the road. Sometimes the chicken don't make it you know


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bocabill on December 22, 2015


Dude, look both ways crossing the road. Sometimes the chicken don't make it you know

Tell you what Shitstain, since your the chicken, I'll wager that you would never have the balls to meet me in person and talk that kind of shit. I will gladly give you my address or we can meet anywhere in Boca and let's see what you have to say then. We'll see who crosses the road and who get laid out on the side of the road.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bocabill on December 22, 2015


Nice guy^^^^ sitting round the Avrich holiday table must've been a real pleasure
A good whopping might be in order for anyone who batters their spouse and Mother

Asshole, bring it the fuck on or shut your pussy-assed mouth, bitch. I would love to see your wife and mother battered while you watch helplessly as the little bitch that you are.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bocabill on December 22, 2015



Anyway, Bocabill, is the guy with the extortion record somehow.... um... you? ls this you with your own hater? And this is actually quite funny.

The thing is that when you look up Florida cases for Avrich, you seem to be the most famous. smile OK, just saying. l'm sharing the last link with a friend. He'll get a kick out of it, really.

Yes, when I googled Avrich, Florida i came up with the same thing.
There's a man there called William G Avrich in Boco Raton, with an extensive felony rap sheet for extortion, embezzlement of over $100K against someone over the age of 65, stalking, harrassment, domestic violence against his former wife and his mother, who was called Dorothy.
A coincidence maybe?
Either way, perhaps it may not be a good idea to leave your wallet unguarded around Floridian men named Avrich. Or give him your phone number - he's got extensive form for abusive and obscene phone calls.

Seriously though, barging into a thread with a gripe about property inheritance, as if many anarchists would give a shit. How fucking bourgeois can you get?

As I said, down with all of you silly little pussy-assed anarchists and hail to the bourgeois.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on December 22, 2015



Nice guy^^^^ sitting round the Avrich holiday table must've been a real pleasure
A good whopping might be in order for anyone who batters their spouse and Mother

Asshole, bring it the fuck on or shut your pussy-assed mouth, bitch. I would love to see your wife and mother battered while you watch helplessly as the little bitch that you are.

Clearly know what kinda dreck you are And yeah if I was in Boca I'd clearly say this to your face
I suspect the claims against you are accurate Thanks for pulling the curtain back


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bocabill on December 22, 2015

America needs Donald Trump to win the 2016 presidency and then lock all of you scumbag terrorist anarchists up in internment camps where you all belong. All anarchists are all scum.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on December 22, 2015

And then he'll come for the Jews.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bocabill on December 22, 2015




Nice guy^^^^ sitting round the Avrich holiday table must've been a real pleasure
A good whopping might be in order for anyone who batters their spouse and Mother

Asshole, bring it the fuck on or shut your pussy-assed mouth, bitch. I would love to see your wife and mother battered while you watch helplessly as the little bitch that you are.

Clearly know what kinda dreck you are And yeah if I was in Boca I'd clearly say this to your face
I suspect the claims against you are real and, whatever Prof Avrich May or may not have done, are accurate. Thanks for pulling the curtain back

So PM me your phone number you cowardly piece of anarchist/terrorist shit and we'll make it happen. I would just love to show you in person what I think of you anarchist/terrorist scumbags and spit right in your face for openers. Both Hitler and Stalin knew exactly how to deal with your type...hell, even Putin would know what to do with you. What's next on your anarchist agenda...volunteering for ISIS perhaps? I don't recognize anarchists as true Americans. To me they are all just another form of terrorist that need to be dealt with as such.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on December 22, 2015

Just remember scumbag, the ovens knew no political distinctions


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bocabill on December 22, 2015


Just remember scumbag, the ovens knew no political distinctions

You belonged in the oven you scumbag piece of anarchist shit. They should've baked you nice and long until you were well done. As I said, you are a cowardly little bitch. Get your effeminate ass down here to Boca and I'll deal with you...your new user ID on this site is Shitstain...always remember that.

Serge Forward

9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on December 22, 2015

Eee it's like Judge Judy on here sometimes :D

Mods, can one of you give bellendbill the order of the boot please?

Juan Conatz

9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Juan Conatz on December 22, 2015

User has been banned.

Posts will stay up pending admin discussion.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Fleur on December 22, 2015

What a nice fella.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on December 22, 2015

Fluer....I'm more pissed that the guy did violence against his spouse and mother,much more then his beef with his Prof Uncle

Black Badger

9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Black Badger on December 22, 2015

Lock and/or delete thread please


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Fleur on December 22, 2015


Fluer....I'm more pissed that the guy did violence against his spouse and mother,much more then his beef with his Prof Uncle

Same. He does give the impression of being a violent and abusive man.
Maybe his uncle thought he was such a repellent man he went out of his way to make sure he didn't get a red cent of his grandparent's money.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on December 22, 2015



Fluer....I'm more pissed that the guy did violence against his spouse and mother,much more then his beef with his Prof Uncle

Same. He does give the impression of being a violent and abusive man.
Maybe his uncle thought he was such a repellent man he went out of his way to make sure he didn't get a red cent of his grandparent's money.

Not for me to say. And I was happy to let it drop,
Just figuring it was a nasty family affair. Seperate from the above links,
I did some homework, mostly because I knew the Prof. The violence aspect
just made me conclude that the nephew was bad news on a whole other level
His own tirades certainly revealed who he is and how he approaches people
Even if he's lashing out, it's still revealing


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by akai on December 22, 2015

Sorry that l engaged this asshole in any discussion on the level of a human being. Look, at first l thought, OK, people have a right to air grievances, but l see very clearly now that this guy is just plain abusive - frankly put, really an awful example of a human being. Given that, it increases the likelihood that his claims are way distorted and it would be better to delete them.

On another note, what a horror that this guy, who's basically a walking time bomb, thinks that WE need to be locked up.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by radicalgraffiti on December 22, 2015


On another note, what a horror that this guy, who's basically a walking time bomb, thinks that WE need to be locked up.

if he didn't i'd wonder what i've done wrong

Jason Cortez

9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on December 22, 2015

bocabill you are my favorite new poster. Xmas gold.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on December 22, 2015

Jason Cortez

bocabill you are my favorite new poster. Xmas gold.

I'm sure there's standing space for you too in his box car express


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on December 22, 2015

Note for the admins: I noticed that bocabill posted in about every single Avrich-related library post.


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Sleeper on December 22, 2015

If libcom admins are looking at removing all or part of this thread can I suggest you keep the opening post and the reply from the Kate Sharpley Library. Any other thoughts, including my own, can be added again...

Jason Cortez

9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on December 22, 2015


Jason Cortez

bocabill you are my favorite new poster. Xmas gold.

I'm sure there's standing space for you too in his box car express

If you front the air fare, I am there.


6 months 3 weeks ago

Submitted by adri on September 2, 2024

William/Bill Avrich wrote: If I front the airfare to ship your corpse back to your home city? Sure, why not. It’s a small price to pay. I wish that all of you little anarchist vermin had one neck…and that I had my hands on it. It would save a lot of time and do the rest of the world a favor.

Businessman nephew of famed historian of anarchism Paul Avrich, could you please stop threatening people, especially when all sorts of details about you (including your business) are up on the internet for everyone to see?

(The internet's amazing: Get called a boring Marxist ideologue by David Graeber a day or so before he passed away - check. Tell Paul Avrich's nephew to stop threatening people on libcom - check. Have an Israeli official call me anti-Semitic for being against their killing of Palestinians - still waiting on this.)


6 months 3 weeks ago

Submitted by adri on September 3, 2024

William/Bill Avrich wrote: Where are the threats you anonymous little communist keyboard rodent? You just need to shut up and crawl back into your cave, you gutless, spineless, vermin. You’re making accusations and comments about people that you don’t even know anything about, despite your claims to the contrary. By the way, the “businessman nephew” sends his regards and wishes only tzuris 😈 for you and your kind.

Alright Paul Avrich's bourgeois nephew, there's only one way to settle this, and that's in the boxing ring: "Adri vs Paul Avrich's Estranged Nephew." If you win, then you'll get your $83,333. If I win, then you have to read Marx's Capital (just the first volume) and repent for all the workers you've exploited over the years at your sleazy auto-transport company (an average of 1.6 stars on Yelp, calling customers "feminist cunts," etc.—is that what you call a successful business?). What do you say Billy boy?

In all seriousness, you need to calm down and maybe get some help, regardless of whatever your uncle may have done.


6 months 3 weeks ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on September 3, 2024

Ruminating on the repetition of extortion by Paul, and latterly Bill, Avrich, led me back to these words from the book of Names:

And Yahweh descended in a cloud and stood with him there and pronounced the name Yahweh. Then Yahweh passed before him and called out, 'Yahweh, Yahweh, god of tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich in faithful love and constancy, maintaining his faithful love to thousands, forgiving fault, crime and sin, yet letting nothing go unchecked, and punishing the parent's fault in the children and in the grandchildren to the third and fourth generation!'