Seventh issue from Anarchy magazines second series. Most articles concern workers councils and workers self management.

- Workers' Councils: translators' introductions
- Preliminary Notes on Councils and Organisation - Rene Riesel (from Internatonale Situationiste #12)
- Some Advice Concerning Generalised Self-Management - Raoul Vaneigem (from Internatonale Situationiste #12)
- A Novel of the General Strike: - Lyman Tower Sargent on Syndicalism and the Co-operative Commonwealth: How We Shall Bring About the Revolution by Emile Pataud and Emile Pouget.
- Review of Cesar M Lorenzo's Les Anarchistes Espagnol et le Pouvoir - Tom Levene
- Review of Max Stirner's The Ego and His Own - S. E. Parker
- Community Relations in Newham - Jerry Westall
- Shotblaster - Jim Burns
- The Trial of Politics or the Politics of the Trial (Angry Brigade) - Nick and Bart
- Editorial Statement