Issue 15 of The Commoner magazine

Preface: Care Work and the Commons xii
1. Introduction 1
I. Archive 22
2. Women and the Subversion of the Community 23
3. On The General Strike 70
4. Wages Against Housework 74
5. On Sexuality as Work 88
6. Reproduction and Emigration 95
II. Articles 158
7. Starting From the Social Wage 159
8. The Unfinished Feminist Revolution 185
9. Women’s Autonomy & Renumeration of Care Work 198
10.On Elder Care 235
11.Sex as Work & Sex Work 262
12.Is Housework Soluble in Love? 278
13.Of Feminists and Their Cleaning Ladies 287
14.Nuclear Housework 307
15.Fukushima: A Call for Womens’ Leadership 315
16.Energy and Social Reproduction 337
III. Documents/Interviews 353
17.Domestic Workers United 354
18.Interview with Priscilla Gonzalez 360
19.A Male Domestic Worker 386
20.The Regeneration Manifesto 396
21.The Triumph of the Domestic Workers 401
22.Servicio Domestíco Activo 405
23.Interview with Liliana Caballero Velasquez 413
24.Interview with Victoria Mamani 417
25.Socialist Feminist Collective 421
26.Interview with Ana Rosario Adrián Vargas 426