Aids' Origin in 1959? Science's Discrete Refutation! - ICG
In April 1993, we published an article entitled "Aids, pure product of Science" in French in Communisme No.38. Since then, it has been translated and published in our central reviews in Spanish and English (Communism No.8) and has been sent around the world, giving rise to much reaction, republication and reproduction.
An early issue of this…
An early issue of this review had an article entitled something like, West Bank, Gaza... the bourgeoisie is preparing a massacre. When the internet archives—now defunct—of the reviews and other materials of the group was uploaded, the title of this article appeared on the contents list but was never published. It would be of interest now, in hindsight of the ongoing massacres in the region, to be able to read this article.
Yes, that was #5. As you say…
Yes, that was #5. As you say it was mentioned on the GIC-ICG website but not published online for some reason:
I've not been able to track down a scanned PDF of that number yet either.
Right, The West-Bank, Gaza,…
Right, The West-Bank, Gaza, Jerusalem,... in response to the proletarian struggle the bourgeoisie is once again preparing a massacre!!
Their website seems to have…
Their website seems to have been down for at least a year and the archived website shows publications ceasing circa 2018?
For a group that claims "not…
For a group that claims, "not to falsify our own publishing history. CW", it is a gaping omission.
An unscrupulous merchant, as all merchants are, has a copy of issue number 5 for sale here but curiosity does not stretch that far.
Ah good spot, I have nicked…
Ah good spot, I have nicked the cover image at least. I'm sure a copy will turn up eventually without someone laying out £20.
I discovered in my library a…
I discovered in my library a hard copy of this review.
So I scanned the text "The West-Bank, Gaza, Jerusalem,..." and I'm OCRizing it.
Into a few days it will be available on Libcom...
Thank you. Look forward to…
Thank you. Look forward to reading.