Communist Bulletin, Issue 05 - December 1983

Cover of Issue 05 of Communist Bulletin.
Cover of Issue 05 of Communist Bulletin.

Communist Bulletin, Issue 05 - December 1983

Submitted by schalken on May 11, 2016

- "Class Struggle in Scotland." In Fife and Easter Ross this year two bitter struggles were waged between workers and a combination of ruthless employers and Unions.
- "Union Negotiation Means Defeat." A leaflet produced by the Bulletin for the strike at Nigg in Easter Ross.
- "Tebbit and the T.U.C.: In Tandem." The new Tory legislation is an attack on Unions by a government which does not realise that Unions are the state's shop floor police and both unions and government are on the same side against the workers.
- "Grenada. 'A Lovely Little War, Short Sharp and Cheap.'" The role of the Grenadan invasion in American policy at home and abroad.
- "Split in the Communist Workers Organisation." Introduction to the splitting text of E. Mav who recently left the CWO to discuss with and work with the CBG.
- "On the Monolithism of the C.W.O."
"Is the ICC Tending Towards Monolithism?" After an extended visit to Europe when he discussed with communist fractions in Britain, France, Belgium and Italy a comrade from Hong Kong approaches the problems of monolithism and sectarianism in the milieu.
- "Aire Valley Yarns." A short postscript to the article on this strike last issue.
- "Correspondence." Our response to the "Address to Revolutionaries" of the ICC sent to them shortly after the publication of Bulletin 4. Our response to the article on the CBG which appeared in WR 65. The CWO's response to our Open Letter which appeared in Bulletin 4. Letter from the CBG to the CWO of 6th September 1983. Letter from the CWO to the CBG of 30th September 1983. Our response.
- Carnage in the Middle East. "The first part of a two part article on the competition between the two blocs in the Middle East, the weapons they use against one another. Part Two, in the next issue of the Bulletin will deal with the events of the past five years and the ideological weapons the bourgeoisie uses against the populations of the Middle East.


cb05.pdf (2.5 MB)
