Communist Bulletin, Issue 06 - March 1984

"Central Scotland - The Front Line." Workers responsd to the Onslaught of the Crisis in Scotland.
"Leaflet." CBG leaflet distributed at the Henry Robb shipyard.
"Leaflet." CWO leaflet for the Scott Lithgow Yard in Glasgow.
"GCHQ: Unions and State against the Workers." Introduction to our leaflet distributed at union rallies held during this dispute.
"The Lessons of Warrington." CBG Introduction. Article written by a London comrade.
"Leaflet." LWG leaflet. Bring the Battle to Fleet Street.
"A Joint Intervention."
"Leaflet." NALGO's Day of Inactivity. A CWO leaflet produced by the CBG in England.
"Riots against I.M.F. Austerity." The Crisis of Capitalism causes increasing barbarism in the Third World as their economies go bust.
"Correspondence." On Class Consciousness, the Role of the Party and Organisation. Letter from Hong Kong. Our Reply. On the Class Nature of the UCM.
"Debate between the ICC and CWO - 11th February 1984." Our open letter to this debate, distributed at the meeting held in London to which we were not invited.
"Return to Sender, Address Unknown, No Such Number, No Such Zone." The ICC's responses to the replies to their 'Address' shows thios to have been a fake. In particular their response to the CBG shows their sectarian attitude to the revolutionary milieu.
"Middle East - The Carnage Continues." Part two of our article on the confrontation between the two Capitalist Blocs in the area since WW2 and the carnage ensuing. The article also examines the major ideological weapons used by the bourgeoisie of every stage against their populations.