Former BNP candidate, Robert Cottage, and 62 year old dentist David Jackson have been charged with possessing explosives.

Robert Cottage, a BNP candidate in Colne last year, and David Jackson, a dentist from Nelson, Lancashire have been charged with possessing explosives at Preston Crown Court today.
The lawyers for the pair declined to ask for bail and were remanded in custody. A trial is set for February 12th at Manchester Crown Court.
Media interest in the story remains negligible, with the pre-trial hearing, like the initial arrests failing to arouse any interest on the part of the national media. The story does not even appear on the BBC website's frontpage. Left-wing activists who contacted various media outlets to question the blackout were told by the BBC that "editorial staff always have more news reports than can be fitted into the time available" and that insufficient room was available to publish the story more widely.