Supporters of Golden Dawn took to the streets to attack the self-organised space Resalto close to the spot of the murder of antifascist musician Pavlos Fyssas.

Golden Dawn supporters returned to the streets of Athens on Saturday 25th January. Dozens of fascists once again marched through the neighbourhood of Keratsini, the same area where Golden Dawn members murdered Pavlos Fyssas in September.
Around 100 black-clad Golden Dawn supporters gathered in the neighbourhood early on Saturday morning. They marched through the streets vandalising the spot of Pavlos Fyssas' murder as they pasted. The group then pushed on to attack the anarchist/anti-authoritarian space Resalto. For several minutes the fascists gathered in front of the building hurling rocks and bricks at the people inside and breaking windows. Residential apartments around Resalto also came under attack with the inhabitants still inside.
'The 15 comrades who were in Resalto at the time defended themselves and the space and after 5 minutes of clashes repelled them. Proving that the collective of comrades, without distinction of 'ability' or sex, are able to cope with the Nazi assault battalions when they do not have the active support of the forces of repression.'
(Resalto, source in Greek)
The comrades defended the building themselves as the police, though present in the area, did not intervene for some time as was the case during the September murder. After the fascists withdrew people gathered in solidarity with Resalto and an antifascist march passed through the neighbourhood with another demonstration planned for the end of the week. Resalto is a self-organised space which has been open and active since 2005. A video of the attack taken from inside Resalto and the following demonstration can be found below.
Golden Dawn have not engaged in such an attack on the streets now for some months. Much of the party leadership is imprisoned or awaiting trial for forming a criminal gang. This plus the reaction to the murder of Fyssas and the later assassination of two Golden Dawn members likely encouraged the party to keep a low profile. The only public action of Golden Dawn recently was a gathering of 2-3,000 in central Syntagma Square to protest the continuing detention of their leadership with similar marches to mark the anniversary of the Imia incident coming up this week.
Despite the government crackdown the party are still the third most popular in Greece in the run up to local and European elections later this year. Saturday's attack could be read as an attempt by Golden Dawn to reassert a presence on the street and remind voters that they haven't disappeared.