Issue 18: December 1986 from Copied to clipboard Attachments processedworld18proc.pdf (5.19 MB) Table of Contents Giving Heads Whatever Happened to the Sexual Revolution? Anxious Pleasures My Date with Holly Near Fantasy's Legal, Reality's Not Poles 'n holes: Working in the porn biz Kelly Girl Plays Postmistress My Interview with Pisstex Big Bang Your Knife in my Life Wenda 863-AIDS How to talk like a Situationist Book traversal links for Processed World #18 Bolo-Log Up Table of Contents Printer-friendly version sex and sexuality Processed World Comments
Poles 'n holes: Working in the porn biz Pornography worker Chaz Bufe on work, sexuality and censorship in America. We do not agree with all of it (for the reasons outlined by Commie…
Burning Man: A Working-Class, Do-It-Yourself World’s Fair page down Chris Carlsson writes on the Burning Man festival for Processed World magazine.
Marcos in the Library A letter from Zapatista leader Subcomandante Marcos to a national Mexican magazine.
Nasty Secretary Liberation Front gallery A selection of early 1980s flyers from the Nasty Secretary Liberation Front, which was connected to Processed World magazine.
Interview with an ex-sex text worker In the wake of the first unfair dismissal case for a sex worker, interviews another sex worker about the industry, the work, and the…