Timofei Sapronov's autobiography about the times when he was an underground revolutionary militant in Russia. It covers the period from 1907 to 1917 with a specific focus on the First World War period. His autobiography is in Russian. However, the book includes a solid but academic introduction in English by historian, Victoria Bonnell.
Sapronov joined the Bolsheviks before the war, in 1918 he became a left communist and then led to the founding of the Group of Democratic Centralism. He was expelled from the party for his opposition in 1927 and executed by the Stalinist regime in 1937.
OCR of the file for Russian
OCR of the file for Russian was still needed, so I edited this to replace it.
Тимофей Сапронов
Из истории рабочего движения: по личным воспоминаниям,
Iz istorii rabochego dvizeniya: po lichnym vospominaniyam, 150 pp. (originally published in 1925, reprinted 1976)
The intro gives an interesting reference to follow up on, re: problems of councils:
Статьи и доклады по организационным вопросам партийного и советского строительства
not online though