Solidarity pamphlets

List of pamphlets published by UK libertarian socialist group Solidarity and its local groups available on

Submitted by Steven. on August 5, 2013

An index of Solidarity's journals is here.

Solidarity (London) pamphlets

Numbered series

1. Renault workers fight sackings
2. Belgium: the general strike
3. What next for engineers? - Ken Weller
4. By their words ye shall know them: selected correspondence between the 'National Secretary' and certain ex-SLL members. A documented exposure of 'democratic centralism' in action.
5. Standard Triumph strike: the full facts
6. The meaning of socialism - Paul Cardan
7. The Workers' Opposition - Alexandra Kollontai
8. The BLSP dispute: the story of the strike - Ken Weller
9. The Civil Defence Fraud - Andy Anderson
10. The 100 versus the state - published jointly with the Independent Labour Party
11. Socialism or barbarism
12. Truth about Vauxhall - Ken Weller
13. Homeless! "Half-way house" tenants speak out
14. Resistance shall grow - published jointly with the Independent Labour Party, the Syndicalist Workers Federation and the London Federation of Anarchists
15. The RSGs: 1919-1963 - Nicolas Walter
16. Busmen, what next? - Brian Whitby, Fred Whelton, Ken Weller, Arthur Moyse and Bob Potter
17. Glasgow Busmen in action - Bob Potter and anonymous drivers
18. Students in revolt: the battle of Berkeley campus
19. The Labour government vs the dockers 1945-1951
20. Vietnam - Bob Potter
21. KCC versus the homeless: the King Hill campaign - published jointly with Socialist Action
22. Mount Isa: the great Queensland strike - Bretta Carthey and Bob Potter
23. The crisis of modern society - Paul Cardan
24. From Bolshevism to the bureaucracy - Paul Cardan
25. The rape of Vietnam - Bob Potter
26. What happened at Fords - Ken Weller and Ernie Stanton
27. The Kronstadt commune - Ida Mett
28. The death of CND as performed by the Grosvenor Square demonstrators under the direction of themselves alone
29. Greek tragedy: the failure of the left - Bob Potter
30. Paris: May 1968 - Maurice Brinton
31. The great Flint sit-down strike against GM 1936-37 - Walter Linder
32. GMWU: scab union - Mark Fore
33. Authoritarian conditioning, sexual repression and the irrational in politics - Maurice Brinton
34. Socially-responsible scientists or soldier-technicians?
35. The Commune: Paris 1871 - P. Guillaume and M. Grainger
36. Sorting out the postal strike - Joe Jacobs
37. Strategy for industrial struggle - Mark Fore
38. History & revolution: a revolutionary critique of historical materialism - Cornelius Castoriadis
39. Under new management? The Fisher-Bendix occupation - Joe Jacobs
40. Workers' councils and the economics of self-managed society - Cornelius Castoriadis
41. As we don't see it
42. Ceylon: the JVP uprising of April 1971
43. Vietnam: whose victory? - Bob Potter
44. Redefining revolution - Cornelius Castoriadis
45. The Lordstown struggle and the real crisis in production - Ken Weller
46. Theses on the Chinese revolution - Cajo Brendel
47. Trade unionism or socialism: the revolt against work - John Zerzan
48. Women in the Spanish revolution - Liz Willis
49. On spontaneity and organisation - Murray Bookchin
50. A contribution to the critique of Marx - John Crump - published jointly with Social Revolution (London)
51. The New Movement - Henri Simon
52. Bureaucrats and women cleaners. The Durham Experience - Lynda Finn and Gavin Williams
53. On the buses - Penny Fair
54. History as creation - Cornelius Castoriadis
55. Czechoslovakia 1968: What socialism? What human face? - Petr Cerny
56. A fresh look at Lenin - Andy Brown

Discussion bulletins

1. History & revolution - Bob Potter and Maurice Brinton
Solidarity and the neo-narodniks - debate with Big Flame.
A second look at Lenin - Adam Westoby, Andy Brown & A.A. Saskolnikov
Self-management and the limits of recuperation

Other pamphlets

The socialist programme - Socialism Reaffirmed
War 3 - Andy Anderson (Solidarity) and Don Bannister (Common Wealth)
Kronstadt '21 - Victor Serge
Mutinies 1917-1920 - Dave Lamb - jointly published with Solidarity (Oxford)
LSE: a question of degree - Bob Dent - published on behalf of Bob Dent, n.b. not published as a Solidarity pamphlet.
An open letter to IS comrades - jointly published with Solidarity (Clydeside)
The Lump: an heretical analysis - Dave Lamb

Solidarity (Aberdeen) pamphlets

Numbered Series

2. Theses on the Chinese revolution - Cajo Brendel

Other pamphlets

Spartakism to National Bolshevism: the KPD 1918-24

Solidarity (Clydeside) pamphlets

Numbered series

1. The fate of Marxism - Paul Cardan
2. Revolutionary organisation - Maurice Brinton
3. Capitalism and consciousness - Jim Evrard & Paul Cardan
4. Housing rents and the tenants struggle in Scotland - Tom Woolley

Other pamphlets

An open letter to IS comrades - jointly published with Solidarity (London)

Solidarity (North West) pamphlets

Numbered series

1. Mail-order millions - Paul Bolton
2. Building workers pay deal

Solidarity (Oxford) pamphlets

Numbered series

2. Urban devastation: the planning of incarceration - James Finlayson

Other pamphlets

Mutinies 1917-1920 - Dave Lamb - jointly published with Solidarity (London)

Solidarity (Reading) pamphlets

Civil "defence" and direct action: make the most of your council meetings

Solidarity (Scotland) pamphlets

Numbered series

1. A way ahead for a new peace movement
3. Introduction to "The Left" - Ian R Mitchell

Solidarity (South London) pamphlets

Damned: 'The People' versus Roy Mills. An adjudication on the Press Council - Andy Anderson.
The 'Squatters'... Ilford - a report and critique

Solidarity (Swansea) pamphlets

4. The fight against unemployment

If you have copies of any of these pamphlets which we do not yet have online which you would be able to scan or donate to us to scan please contact us or let us know in the comments below. Some of these pamphlets we have purchased in order to digitise them. Please consider donating us a few pounds/dollars to enable us to continue putting more working class history online.



11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on August 5, 2013

I've put online a scanned copy of this bulletin on struggles at different Ford plants in Europe and Australia in 1973 a few years ago:


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 5, 2013


I've put online a scanned copy of this bulletin on struggles at different Ford plants in Europe and Australia in 1973 a few years ago:

that's great, I'm going to start a separate library entry for the Solidarity motor bulletins as Spikymike has recently given me a bunch to scan. I will add this to them with a credit!


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 17, 2013

If anyone knows if any of the other Solidarity texts we have were originally part of this pamphlet series please let us know. In particular I'm wondering about Mutinies, The irrational in politics, and the Paris May 68 diary.


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by vicent on August 19, 2013

paul r

11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by paul r on August 19, 2013

Below is a list of the Solidarity pamphlets I have, which are not included in the original list posted by Steven -- although some are included in the AF (North) list. I have not included Soldarity books or discussion documents

Aberdeen Solidarity pamphlet: 'Spartakism to National Bolshevism' [unnumbered]

Solidarity (Clydeside) pamphlet: 'The Fate of Marxism' - Paul Cardan [unnumbered]

Solidarity (Oxford) & Solidarity (London): 'Mutinies 1917-1920' - Dave Lamb [unnumbered]

Solidarity pamphlet (Oxford) no. 2: 'Urban Devastation' - James Finlayson

Solidarity pamphlet 6: 'The Meaning of Socialism' - Paul Cardan

Solidarity pamphlet 7: 'The Workers Opposition' - Alexandra Kollontai

Solidarity pamphlet 11: 'Socialism or Barbarism'

Solidarity pamphlet 23: 'The crisis of Modern Society' - Paul Cardan

Solidarity pamphlet 30: 'Paris: May 1968'

Soldarity pamphlet 31: 'The Great Flint Sit-Down Strike Against GM 1936-37' - Walter Linder

Solidarity pamphlet 32: 'G.M.W.U.: Scab Union' - Mark Fore

Solidarity pamphlet 33: 'Authoritarian Conditioning, Sexual Repression and The Irrational in Politics' [aka 'The Irrational in Politics']

Solidarity pamphlet 38: 'History and Revolution: a revolutionary critique of historical materialism' - Paul Cardan

Solidarity pamphlet 37: 'Strategy for Industrial Struggle' - Mark Fore

Solidarity pamphlet 40: 'Workers' Councils and the Economics of a Self-Managed Society'

Solidarity pamphlet 44: 'Redefining Revolution' - Paul Cardan

Joint Social Revolution (London) & Solidarity (London) pamphlet no. 50: 'A Contribution to the Critique of Marx' - John Crump

Solidarity (London) pamphlet 54: 'History as Creation' - C. Castoriadis (Paul Cardan)


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on August 19, 2013

Some of pauls list above are surely already here under other tags? probably needs Steven to have time to sort out.


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 19, 2013


Some of pauls list above are surely already here under other tags? Nrobably needs Steven to have time to sort out.

yeah, they are. Paul, thanks very much for that that is extremely helpful!

In terms of the pamphlets you have which aren't online yet, would you be willing to scan them yourself, or donate them to us to scan?

paul r

11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by paul r on August 20, 2013

Unfortunately, I have neither the equipment nor the skills to do scanning. I am willing to send you photocopies of those which you require which are not already online.

If this is satisfatory, please indicate which pamphlets you wish me to copy.

paul r

11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by paul r on August 20, 2013

Since my last message, I've spoken to a friend with a printer/scanner who said he's willing to help me scan the required pamphlets.

Let me know which ones you require.


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 20, 2013

paul r

Since my last message, I've spoken to a friend with a printer/scanner who said he's willing to help me scan the required pamphlets.

Let me know which ones you require.

Mate, that would be brilliant, thank you!

If in the end your friend can't do the scanning, or can't do all of it you could post us photocopies to scan, that would be excellent as well.

The ones which you have which we don't have and which I can't see online anywhere are:
- Urban Devastation
- The meaning of socialism - Paul Cardan
- 11 socialism or barbarism
- 23 crisis of modern society
- 31 Flint
- 32 scab union
- 38 history and revolution
- 37 strategy for industrial struggle
- 44 redefining revolution
- history as creation

So if these could be scanned as PDF files that would be brilliant! If your friend can't do them a single PDFs then possibly posting us photocopies would be easiest. We can reimburse any postage costs.

Thanks so much for this! The Solidarity pamphlets I have read have all been so good I really want to try to get all of them online at some point so none of them are lost.


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on August 20, 2013

If No 38, and 40 get posted they should probably have links to some of the criticism's made of their content in my opinion - I may be able to help if paul can't. I have commented briefly elswhere on the 'Urban Devastation' pamphlet, (see George Williamson obit).


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on August 20, 2013

a short text introducing Solidarity to a German-speaking audience can be found in the July 1973 issue of the anarchist monthly Befreiung (Liberation):

paul r

11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by paul r on August 21, 2013

Among the pamphlets you have requested, the ones listed below are translations of texts by Paul Cardan (Cornelius Castoriadis), all presumably translated by Maurice Brinton (Chris Pallis). All or most of these have been translated by other translators and have been published elsewhere. But Pallis's translations are particularly punchy and direct -- and they were the ones through which I first encountered and was profoundly influenced by these ideas as a youngish radical in the early 70s.

Unfortunately, Castoriadis went off in a different direction as the 60s progressed and this is reflected in nos 38, 44 & 54. -- but that's another story. IMO, the most important of the following for libertarian socialists/communists are 6, 11 & 40.

6: The meaning of socialism
11: socialism or barbarism
38: history and revolution
40: workers councils
44: redefining revolution
54: history as creation

Unfortunately I know nothing about the authors of the other pamphlets requested. As a Sydney resident, during the period in the 70s when I subscribed to Solidarity publications, I had no personal contact with the UK Solidarity groups or members.

As there looks to be quite a bit of work involved in scanning (or photocopying) the pamphlets you've requested, I'm not sure exactly when the job will be completed. We'll just have to see how it goes!
paul r

paul r

11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by paul r on August 21, 2013

I notice you already have Solidarity pamphlet 40: "Workers Councils..." That's one less I need to scan or copy


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on August 21, 2013


a short text introducing Solidarity to a German-speaking audience can be found in the July 1973 issue of the anarchist monthly Befreiung (Liberation):

We have a few copies of that paper. I think that's where we first learned of the case of Ralph Stein (I-FAUD). The young metalworker framed on some charges I now forget.


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 21, 2013

paul r

I notice you already have Solidarity pamphlet 40: "Workers Councils..." That's one less I need to scan or copy

hi, yes, I just found that and was going to mention it on here.

But yes, thanks I realise it is a big job and appreciate it will take some time!


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on August 21, 2013



a short text introducing Solidarity to a German-speaking audience can be found in the July 1973 issue of the anarchist monthly Befreiung (Liberation):

We have a few copies of that paper. I think that's where we first learned of the case of Ralph Stein (I-FAUD). The young metalworker framed on some charges I now forget.

more online here: ... if you have other copies than the ones there, would be great if you can get in contact with the people who run that page to arrange scanning them, if possible

Ralf Stein who was the V.i.S.d.P. ("responsible according to the press law") and publisher of Befreiung was sentenced to one year in prison in 1975 for "incitement of popular hatred", "denigration of the state and its symbols" and "supporting of a criminal organisation" (RAF/Baader-Meinhoff) for an article/articles printed in the journal ... most likely, for stuff about the treatment of political prisoners in Germany


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by paul_anderson on August 22, 2013

I have all the pamphlets in the 'missing' list above and have a scanner, but it's not clear what has already been promised: let me have an updated missing list and an email and I'll do the business.


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 22, 2013


I have all the pamphlets in the 'missing' list above and have a scanner, but it's not clear what has already been promised: let me have an updated missing list and an email and I'll do the business.

hi, that's really great!

Although actually all the ones in the "missing" list posted are ones which another libcom user, also called Paul, says he has and can scan.

So basically we are missing everything else which is not in the article above or on the list Paul R posted. So if you have any of those it would be great if you could scan them! (Or even if not, the other Paul said it would probably take him a while to scan them also if you could help by doing some of them that would also be brilliant)

paul r

11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by paul r on August 23, 2013

Thanks for that response Paul (Anderson). If you have the required pamphlets and scanning equipment and are willing to do the job, IMO, it would be better for you to go ahead.

There are probably too many problems at my end to make it a manageable project.


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by lurdan on August 23, 2013

Do you have (and if not, do you want a scan of) the 1972 Solidarity Index ? It lists all the numbered (London series) pamphlets up to 42, together with other Solidarity publications, and it index's articles in Solidarity up to October 1972.

I have one or two pamphlets which don't seem to be listed above ('Belgium The General Strike' for example).


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 23, 2013


Do you have (and if not, do you want a scan of) the 1972 Solidarity Index ? It lists all the numbered (London series) pamphlets up to 42, together with other Solidarity publications, and it index's articles in Solidarity up to October 1972.

I have one or two pamphlets which don't seem to be listed above ('Belgium The General Strike' for example).

hi, I wasn't aware of that index, so a scan of that would be great! Or a typed up/OCR version would be even better!

Is the Belgian general strike pamphlet this?

if so what number is it?

If you could scan any others you have it would be really appreciated.


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by rat on August 23, 2013


The Solidarity pamphlets I have read have all been so good I really want to try to get all of them online at some point so none of them are lost.

Certainly a very good idea to archive those pamphlets. They used to have a few of them in Freedom Books — no doubt they've all long gone.


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by lurdan on August 23, 2013


hi, I wasn't aware of that index, so a scan of that would be great! Or a typed up/OCR version would be even better!

I've done a PDF - the OCR has turned out to be a bit of a pig because of the format - I'll post them both when I've done.


Is the Belgian general strike pamphlet this? if so what number is it?

Yes and no. That's just Maurice Brinton's contribution. There was also a short piece by Bob Pennington. This was an 'Agitator'/'New Generation' pamphlet (I think New Generation was the ILP's Young Socialist League paper). Unlike most early Solidarity pamphlets it had a photolitho cover with photographs - presumably the YSLs contribution.


If you could scan any others you have it would be really appreciated.

While I'm sorting out the OCR on the index here's the list of pamphlets and books from it. It's worth stressing the index was drawn up by London Solidarity and isn't a complete list of the pamphlets produced by the other Solidarity groups although it includes a lot of them. At the end I've added a list of post-1972 numbered London pamphlets (which may not be complete) and one or two pamphlets from other local Solidarity groups. If you'd like to work on an updated list of what you haven't got I'll help out with some. (I don't have unlimited free time but I can slot the odd pamphlet in easily enough - well provided they're not like the index anyhow).

From the 1972 Index :


1. RENAULT WORKERS FIGHT SACKINGS. A graphic account of the struggle, in the autumn of 1960, at the Renault works in Paris and Le Mans (written by rank-and-file French metal workers).

2. BELGIUM, THE GENERAL STRIKE (an 'Agitator'-'New Generation' publication). An eye-witness account, in the form of a diary, of strikebound Brussels and Liege during December 1960 and January 1961.

3. WHAT NEXT FOR ENGINEERS by Ken Weller. A cool look at some of the problems facing engineering workers. Denounced by both the Economic League and the leaders of the A.E.U.

4. 'BY THEIR WORDS YE SHALL KNOW THEM'. Selected correspondence, fully annotated, between the 'National Secretary' and certain ex-SLL members. A documented exposure of 'democratic centralism' in action.

5. THE STANDARD-TRIUMPH STRIKE by Tom Hillier, AEU, Jim Petter, AEU, and Ken Weller, AEU. The story of an 'unofficial' dispute. Introduction by the Secretary of the Strike Committee.

6. THE MEANING OF SOCIALISM by Paul Cardan. What is a socialist programme? The real contradiction in capitalist production. Socialist values. The case for workers' management of production. A Solidarity classic (nearly 3000 copies sold).

7. THE WORKERS OPPOSITION by Alexandra Kollontai. A fully annotated account of the anti-bureaucratic struggle of 1920-1921 within the Russian Bolshevik Party. 80 pages.

8. THE B.L.S.P. DISPUTE by K. Weller. The story of a long, bitter, 'unofficial' strike in North London. How the union leaders acted.

9. THE CIVIL DEFENCE FRAUD by A. Anderson. How one man's stand against bureaucratic authority brought real issues to the attention of thousands.

10. THE 100 VERSUS THE STATE (jointly with I.L.P.). The socialist implications of mass civil disobedience and direct action. Trafalgar Square, Wethersfield, the trial of the Six.

11. SOCIALISM OR BARBARISM. A redefinition of socialist objectives in the light of the events of the last 50 years. The text of the Paris Conference of May 1961.

12. TRUTH ABOUT VAUXHALL by K. Weller. A study of new managerial techniques. Better wages... but at what cost?

13. HOMELESS. The effects of the Rent Act and of the labour-controlled LCC's administration of the 'half-way houses'. The case for direct action, presented by the homeless themselves.

14. RESISTANCE SHALL GROW (jointly with ILP, London Federation of Anarchists and Syndicalist Workers Federation). A bureaucratic dream comes to grief. The implications and repercussions of the 'Spies for Peace' disclosures.

15. THE RSGs 1919-1963 by N. Walter. The Regional Seats of Government - or how our rulers prepare for civil war, conventional war and nuclear war.

16. BUSMEN, WHAT NEXT? Three busmen, an ex-busman and an engineer discuss the problems facing London busmen and suggest some solutions.

17. GLASGOW BUSMEN IN ACTION by Bob Potter and some rank-and-file Glasgow busmen. The full story of the Glasgow bus strike of April 1964.

18. STUDENTS IN REVOLT. The battle of Berkeley Campus. The first, upsurge against the University as 'knowledge factory'.

19. THE LABOUR GOVERNMENT VERSUS THE DOCKERS, 1945-1951. Governmental strike-breaking with Labour in power (how it was done last time).
A reprint from Solidarity vol. III, no. 4.

20. VIETNAM by Bob Potter. Useful background information on all the participants. The revolutionary socialist case.

21. K.C.C. VERSUS THE HOMELESS (jointly with Socialist Action). The story of King Hill Hostel, West Mailing. How a local authority was successfully challenged. Do-it-yourself politics in practice. Includes a postscript on how victory was achieved.

22. MOUNT ISA (The Great Queensland Strike) by Bretta Carthey and Bob Potter. The greatest labour dispute in post-war Australian history. Two thousand miners against the employers, the State authorities and the bureaucrats of the Australian Workers Union.

23. THE CRISIS OF MODERN SOCIETY by P. Cardan. The interlocking crises in work, politics, values, education, the family and relations between the sexes.

24. FROM BOLSHEVISM TO THE BUREAUCRACY by P. Cardan (jointly with Solidarity Glasgow). On various kinds of bureaucracy. Bolshevik theory and practice in relation to the management of production.

25. THE RAPE OF VIETNAM by Bob Potter. More background material on the participants. The struggle analysed in its wider context.

26. WHAT HAPPENED AT FORDS by K. Weller, AEU and E. Stanton, NUVB. The story of the 1962 strike. How management and unions together helped destroy job organisation.

27. THE KRONSTADT COMMUNE by Ida Mett. The full story, at last, of the 1921 events. The first proletarian uprising against the bureaucracy. Contains hitherto unavailable documents and a full bibliography.

28. THE DEATH OF CND AS PERFORMED BY THE GROSVENOR SQUARE DEMONSTRATORS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THEMSELVES ALONE. 15,000 people in Grosvenor Square despite the Establishment, the police, the pacifists, the Communist Party and the S.L.L.

29. GREEK TRAGEDY by Bob Potter. How the colonels seized power - and why they have (so far) retained it. Stalinism and the destruction of the Greek Left.

30. PARIS : MAY 1968 by Maurice Brinton. An eye-witness account of great events. The first historic vindication of our analysis of modern capitalism and of the nature of its crises.

31. THE GREAT FLINT SIT-DOWN STRIKE AGAINST GENERAL MOTORS, 1936-7 by Walter Linder. How to struggle... and win. On the need for a new strike strategy.

32. G.M.W.U. : SCAB UNION by Mark Fore. A close look at one of Britain's biggest unions. Are the unions still working class organisations?

33. THE IRRATIONAL IN POLITICS by Maurice Brinton. How modern society conditions its slaves to accept their slavery. Sexual repression and authoritarian conditioning - in both Western and Eastern contexts.

34. SOCIALLY-RESPONSIBLE SCIENTISTS OR SOLDIER-TECHNICIANS? The social function of science in a class society - and the challenge to scientists. The Durham Resolution and its aftermath.

35. THE COMMUNE (PARIS 1871) by P. Guillaume and M. Grainger. The first proletarian attempt at total self-management. An analysis of the various interpretations (from Marx to Trotsky).

36. SORTING OUT THE POSTAL STRIKE by Joe Jacobs. An ex-postal worker describes a bitter, prolonged and unsuccessful strike. How NOT to wage the industrial struggle.

37. STRATEGY FOR INDUSTRIAL STRUGGLE by Mark Fore. How to link the struggle at the place of work, with the overall objective of workers' management of production.

38. HISTORY AND REVOLUTION (A critique of historical materialism) by Paul Cardan. A further enquiry into the 'unmarxist in Marx'. Can essentially capitalist conceptual categories be applied to precapitalist and non-capitalist societies?

39. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT? (The story of the Fisher-Bendix Occupation) by Joe Jacobs. Includes a discussion of the possibilities and limitations of occupations in general.

40. WORKERS COUNCILS AND THE ECONOMICS OF SELF-MANAGEMENT. The libertarian socialist alternative to private capitalism and to bureaucratic state capitalism. From workers' management of the factory to workers' management of society.

41. AS WE DON'T SEE IT. An elaboration .of the 'Solidarity-statement 'As We See It', ... specially designed for those who couldn't read between the lines.

42. CEYLON : THE J.V.P. UPRISING. The 'official' left in power puts down an insurrection and maintains a reign of terror. How Britain, Russia, China and the USA achieved unity ... to suppress the uprising.

OTHER SOLIDARITY PAMPHLETS (not numbered in previous series)

SOCIALISM REAFFIRMED. A translation of the Editorial in vol. I, no.1
of the French journal 'Socialisme ou Barbarie1, The first text produced by the Socialism Reaffirmed group.

THE SOCIALIST PROGRAMME. Among the most dangerous and reactionary currents against which working class power will have to struggle will be not only bourgeois restorationist ones, but bureaucratic currents, opposed to total workers’ self-management.

WAR III by A. Anderson (Solidarity) and Don Bannister (Common Wealth), The war that has already begun - and how it is shaping our lives.

KRONSTADT '21 by Victor Serge, An erstwhile supporter of the Bolsheviks re-examines the facts and draws disturbing conclusions.
A reprint from Solidarity vol. I. no.7.

ZNACZENIE SOCJALIZMU (The Meaning of Socialism), The first translation of a Solidarity pamphlet into an Eastern European language.

THE STRUGGLE FOR SELF-MANAGEMENT (An open letter to I.S. comrades). On the relations between types of revolutionary organisation and the types of society they are likely to bring about.


MODERN CAPITALISM AND REVOLUTION by Paul Cardan, The problems of our society (bureaucratisation, political apathy, alienation in production, consumption and leisure). What are revolutionary politics today? A fundamental critique of the trad. Left.

HUNGARY '56 by Andy Anderson, The first large-scale anti-bureaucratic revolution. The role and programme of the Workers Councils. A prototype of revolutions to come against State Capitalism.

THE BOLSHEVIKS AND WORKERS CONTROL 1917-1921 (The State and Counter- revolution) by Maurice Brinton. 'Workers control' or workers' selfmanagement? The story of the early oppositions. An analysis of the formative years of the Russian bureaucracy.


CIVIL DEFENCE AND DIRECT ACTION. A Solidarity (Reading) pamphlet. Reprints from Solidarity vol.II, nos.3, 5 and 7° On how to make the most of local Council meetings.

THE FATE OF MARXISM (a Solidarity Clydeside pamphlet). Can a theory which set out not only to interpret the world but to change it be dissociated from its historical repercussions? (A reprint from Solidarity vol.IV, no.3.)

REVOLUTIONARY ORGANISATION. A Solidarity Clydeside reprint of articles appearing in Solidarity vol.I, nos. 4, 5 and 6. What is not to be done. The libertarian alternative.

CAPITALISM AND CONSCIOUSNESS. A Solidarity Clydeside reprint of some interesting articles by J. Evrard first published in Solidarity (Scotland) vol. II, nos. 3 and 4 and in Solidarity vol.III, no. 10. Also contains an article by P. Cardan on 'Working Class Consciousness', first published in Solidarity vol. II, nos. 2 and 3.


DAMNED - A Solidarity (South London) pamphlet. 'The People1 versus Roy Mills. An adjudication on the Press Council by Andy Anderson.

THE SQUATTERS. A Solidarity (South London) pamphlet. A critique of the Ilford Campaign and of the settlement achieved.

MAIL ORDER MILLIONS. A Solidarity (North West) pamphlet. Wages, hours and conditions of work in the mail order business.

BUILDING WORKERS PAY DEAL. A Solidarity (North West) pamphlet. How the 1970 pay deal was foisted on building workers by management and unions.

FROM SPARTAKISM TO NATIONAL BOLSHEVISM. A Solidarity (Aberdeen) pamphlet. The flood and ebb of the German Revolution between 1918 and 1923. The strengths and weaknesses of the Workers Councils in an advanced industrial country.

THESES ON THE CHINESE REVOLUTION by Cajo Brendel. A Solidarity (Aberdeen) pamphlet. How state capitalism (in Bolshevik garb) came to China. The end of the 'Cultural Revolution' and the emergence of the new class.

THE FIGHT AGAINST UNEMPLOYMENT. A Solidarity (Swansea) pamphlet. Some myths about wage claims. Productivity deals analysed. A call to step up the fight.


43. Vietnam : Whose Victory? Bob Potter
44. Redefining Revolution. Paul Cardan
45. The Lordstown Struggle and the Real Crisis in Production. Ken Weller
46. Theses on the Chinese Revolution. Cajo Brendel.
47. Trade Unionism or Socialism. The revolt against work. John Zerzan
48. Women in the Spanish Revolution. Liz Willis.
49. On Spontaneity and Organisation. Murray Bookchin.
50. A Contribution To The Critique Of Marx. John Crump.
51. The New Movement. Henri Simon.
52. Bureacrats and Women Cleaners. The Durham Experience. Lynda Finn and Gavin Williams
53. On The Buses. Penny Fair.
54. History As Creation. C. Castoriadis.
55. Czechoslovakia 1968. What Socialism? What Human Face? Petr Cerny.
56. A Fresh Look At Lenin. Andy Brown.


History and Revolution - Discussion Bulletin 1. A critique by Bob Potter of Cardan's 'History and Revolution' (Pamphlet 38) and a reply by Brinton. (1971).

The Lump. A Heretical Analysis. Dave Lamb.

Mutinies: 1917-1920. Dave Lamb.


Urban Devastation. James Finlayson. Solidarity (Oxford) (This is listed as Oxford pamphlet No 2 - I don't know what Oxford No. 1 was - I think Mutinies came later)

Housing, Rents and the Tenants Struggle in Scotland. Tom Woolley. Solidarity (Clydeside)


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 23, 2013

That's brilliant, thanks! Should make it easier to try to track some of these down at least


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Harrison on August 24, 2013

I have a copy of History as Creation, let me know if I should scan it, i have the necessary ocr software

edit: its at my student house in the north, which i'll be at come late september


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by lurdan on August 24, 2013

Solidarity's 1972 Index in PDF format and OCR'd to html for basic table listings.

Files here.


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 24, 2013


I have a copy of History as Creation, let me know if I should scan it, i have the necessary ocr software

edit: its at my student house in the north, which i'll be at come late september

that would be great, cheers!


11 years 6 months ago

In reply to by

Submitted by lurdan on August 29, 2013

I've put

10. 'The 100 versus the State'
11. 'Socialism or Barbarism'

in the library along with

14. 'Resistance Shall Grow' (but this is waiting for edits to be moderated).

(Is the preview function for library items broken? Doesn't seem to be working for me)

I'm not entirely clear what other people are doing. I'm going to have a go at:

6. The Meaning of Socialism

next (mainly because I'm interested in working out how it's different to the version published in International Socialism).

Then I'll work my way through these which as far as I can tell no-one else is tackling:

28. The Death of CND
34. Socially-responsible scientists or soldier-technicians?

The Squatters (Solidarity South London)
The Fight Against Unemployment (Solidarity Swansea)
Mail Order Millions (Solidarity North West)
Revolutionary Organisation (Solidarity Clydeside)

If any of these ARE already here and I've missed them please let me know.


11 years 6 months ago

In reply to by

Submitted by Entdinglichung on August 29, 2013


Yes and no. That's just Maurice Brinton's contribution. There was also a short piece by Bob Pennington. This was an 'Agitator'/'New Generation' pamphlet (I think New Generation was the ILP's Young Socialist League paper). Unlike most early Solidarity pamphlets it had a photolitho cover with photographs - presumably the YSLs contribution.

Pennington was quite an interesting and flamboyant figure, later a leading member of the Mandelite IMG during the early 1970ies (one of the few authentic working-class people there), he was sidelined in the IMG after being banged up for some time for taking part in a traditional act of dockers' moral economy (which the bourgeois state labelled "embezzlement"): picking up stuff which "fell from a lorry"


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on August 29, 2013

If the Cardan pamphlet 'History and revolution' is scanned into the library then it should be accompanied by the Discussion bulletin No 1 mentioned earlier which at least has the merit of pointing out Bob Potter's divergence with Solidarity's and Cardan's one-sided interpretation of Marx (even if it had some merit in relation to traditional marxist ideologies). As usual Brinton got the last say in the matter thus limiting the 'discussion' for the time being but various other dissident members from accross the UK were to take up the same themes later on.

I don't have a scanner but have a spare copy of the Discussion bulletin if anyone needs it later.


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by lurdan on August 29, 2013


I don't have a scanner but have a spare copy of the Discussion bulletin if anyone needs it later.

I've got a copy of it - I agree it should accompany the text it's discussing. I'll add it to my pile unless someone else wants to have a go.

I see that the longer article by Zerzan from
47 Trade Unionism or Socialism
is already in the library. I'll do the second article and the Solidarity introduction.

Going through my boxes I found a copy of a discussion paper titled "Revolutionary Politics and the Present Situation" from 1972 which seems to be by what had been Aberdeen Solidarity either after or as they left. Can anyone confirm if that's right . (And since I've never been entirely clear about their subsequent history can anyone give a brief chronology?).


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 29, 2013

Lurdan, this is great, thanks! CND we just got a copy of so I will do that, but the rest of that stuff would be great!

I'm going to update this article above to add in the new stuff, some of which you have put on, probably sometime next week.

Cheers everyone!


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by lurdan on August 31, 2013

Added :

34. Socially-Responsible Scientists or Soldier-Technicians ?

Mail Order Millions Solidarity by Paul Bolton - Solidarity (North West) 1969

The 'Squatters'... Ilford - a report and critique - Solidarity (South London) 1969

to the library.

I've scanned and OCR'd 'The Meaning of Socialism' but I'm still working on it.

'The Squatters' lists no author but I found an advert for it in Solidarity (West London) which attributes it to Andy Anderson. Anyone know if this is correct or not ?


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on September 4, 2013

Right, scan a bunch more pamphlets and added them all and lurdan's to this index. Lurdan thank you for your sterling work here!


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by lurdan on September 5, 2013

I've put the following into the library:

6. The Meaning Of Socialism by 'Paul Cardan' (1961)
47. Trade Unionism or Socialism. The revolt against work by John Zerzan (1976)
49. On Spontaneity and Organisation by Murray Bookchin (1975)

History and Revolution - Discussion Bulletin 1. Bob Potter and Maurice Brinton (1971)

Revolutionary Organisation by Maurice Brinton - Solidarity (Clydeside) pamphlet No. 2 (1969)
The fight against unemployment - Solidarity (Swansea) pamphlet No. 4 (1972)

For 'The Meaning of Socialism' I've added a number of the different Solidarity introductions and a short introductory note about what Solidarity did to the article.

'Trade Unionism or Socialism' is just the parts not already in the library.

As suggested I've left the tagging for someone else so that there is consistency.

I haven't put up PDF's for these duplicated pamphlets.

'14. Resistance Shall Grow' still has edits awaiting moderation - at the moment the footnotes aren't visible.

I should probably have indicated at the time that for '11. Socialism or Barbarism', which I put in the library last week, I added an introductory note about the text and a translation from 'Socialisme ou Barbarie' about the conference it was written for and the attempt at international coordination that came out of it.

I'll have a go at the (former) Aberdeen Solidarity text 'Revolutionary Politics and the Present Situation' but It will take a while as the duplication of the original was a little poor causing OCR issues.

Until it's clearer what is already being worked on that's my lot.


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on September 5, 2013

That's brilliant, thanks!

Basically, there isn't anything else being worked on, other than History as creation, which Harrison said he would do at some point. I have one issue of Solidarity for full workers control, by Solidarity South London, then just a load of the journal Solidarity for workers' power. So I'm totally done with the pamphlets that I had.

The tags are straightforward: if you just put the word "solidarity" in the authors/groups box that does it.

I have also given you permissions to approve your own edits to help save time. If you come to the anarchist bookfair, or our 10th birthday party we'll get you some drinks!


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by lurdan on September 6, 2013

Cheers. OK. I'll put

43. Vietnam : Whose Victory? by Bob Potter
37. Strategy for Industrial Struggle by Mark Fore

on my to do list. Will be a while however. If anyone else wants to do them...

I have some others Not entirely sure I fancy the mountain of unscanned Cardan though :)

I have various issues of the non-London Solidarity journals.
South London 1, 2, 4, 8
West London 2
Swansea vol 1 no 3, vol 2 nos 1 and 2
North West vol 1 nos 1-3 and vol 2 no 1
Scotland 1
Aberdeen 3 and 4 (I think 3 is here already)
Philadelphia 2, 6, 9/10

My run of Solidarity for Workers Power itself is very incomplete. but I may have fills.
(In the run of Solidarity for Workers Power are you including the issues of the printed 'national group' paper from just before the merger with Social Revolution.(as distinct from Solidarity for Social Revolution) ? If not I have four of them)

paul r

11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by paul r on January 21, 2014

I have the Oxford Solidarity pamphlet, "Urban Devastation" scanned as a PDF file of approx 15 MB.

How can I upload this file?

Does it have to be converted into another file format. If so, which one, and how?

I would appreciate advice on this.

paul r.


11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Steven. on January 21, 2014

paul r

I have the Oxford Solidarity pamphlet, "Urban Devastation" scanned as a PDF file of approx 15 MB.

How can I upload this file?

Does it have to be converted into another file format. If so, which one, and how?

I would appreciate advice on this.

paul r.

Paul, that's brilliant, thanks!

Just click "submit content" then "library", then fill in the relevant boxes (image, title, intro etc) and upload the PDF to the File attachments section. Cheers!

paul r

11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by paul r on February 4, 2014

Have just posted pdf file of Solidarity (Oxford) pamphlet no. 2:

Urban Devastation: The Planning of Incarceration

Unfortunately, I forgot to record the fact that this is Solidarity (Oxford) pamphlet no. 2

Thanks to friend and comrade Phil R. for the scanning.



11 years ago

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Submitted by Steven. on February 4, 2014

Many thanks to you and Phil, that's really great!


11 years ago

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Submitted by Steven. on February 17, 2014

So, looks like we've done really well here. All we have missing out from the pamphlets are:

51. The new movement - Henri Simon

Does anyone have these? We would really love to complete this collection.


11 years ago

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Submitted by lurdan on February 26, 2014

I've scanned 'The New Movement' - should be up later this week.


10 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on November 28, 2014

„As we see it“ and „As we don’t see it“ in a revised German edition


10 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 28, 2014

Some of the best revolutionary socialist lit evha


2 years 2 months ago

Submitted by Fozzie on December 14, 2022

It includes a pamphlet by Joe Jacobs entitled "Why I was expelled from Solidarity" with a section called "The political economy of mass constipation". :-)


2 years 2 months ago

Submitted by Steven. on December 14, 2022



2 years 2 months ago

Submitted by Fozzie on December 29, 2022

I've removed the link to

4. By their words ye shall know them

This just went to a page that didn't exist (and seemingly has never existed).

That pamphlet doesn't appear to be online anywhere.

I've added these (ETA now found them both at Sparrows Nest):

9. The Civil Defence Fraud - Andy Anderson
20. Vietnam by Bob Potter


2 years 2 months ago

Submitted by Steven. on December 29, 2022

Great stuff. I have sent you further background on pamphlet 4 elsewhere


2 years 2 months ago

Submitted by Steven. on December 29, 2022

Wow, that was quick finding and adding them! So do we now think we have the full set, including the final one? I guess I'm just not sure if any more were produced after 56.
(With the exception of issue 4, which members of Solidarity I spoke with insisted we did not digitise and upload. It is a critique of the Workers' Revolutionary Party, consisting of their own words.)


2 years 2 months ago

Submitted by Fozzie on December 29, 2022

Hi Steven, yes it looks like that is all of the main numbered series now. I've not seen any more after #56... (although you never know...)

There would seem to be a few more published by local groups...


2 years 2 months ago

Submitted by Steven. on December 29, 2022

Excellent! And just to clarify for readers, I did just mean the main Series by the London group. There were lots of random local groups so I doubt we will ever manage to get all of them.


2 years 2 months ago

Submitted by Fozzie on December 30, 2022

There are some oddities listed in the Working Class Movement Library holdings:

How did Ulrike Meinhof die? Solidarity (London) 1976
Feather turns chicken - Solidarity (North West)
Education idiocy in Scotland - Solidarity (Dundee)

darren p

10 months 3 weeks ago

Submitted by darren p on April 15, 2024

Does anyone know or have a list of what years the numbered Solidarity pamphlets were published? I'm after a year for the pamphlet "A Fresh Look at Lenin".

Submitted by Fozzie on April 15, 2024

darren p wrote: Does anyone know or have a list of what years the numbered Solidarity pamphlets were published? I'm after a year for the pamphlet "A Fresh Look at Lenin".

It is described as "just out" on p17 of Solidarity For Social Revolution #15 Winter 1981.

There appears to have been internal discussion about it in 1980 though:

darren p

10 months 2 weeks ago

Submitted by darren p on April 16, 2024

Thanks. Because of the internal discussion document, I'm going to guess the publication year of this at 79 or 80.