We reported a story this afternoon of far right fascists attacking an anti-CPE campus blockade. This has since been disputed by those who were on the ground. This is an account of what we now believe to have happened.

TOULOUSE - At the University of Social Sciences of Toulouse 1 this morning the extreme right, with the support of the Administration and Profs, attacked strikers anti CPE - confrontation took place.
The general assembly of the university had brought together 1,000 students who voted in favour of the blocking of the establishment this morning, thus joining the many universities blocked across France within the fight against the law on the CPE. This was a historical event given that this university had never before voted to strike, even at the time of the events of 1968.
This was to the taste neither of the university president, the administration, or of the right-wing policy trade unions and extreme right who appeared from around 9am.
The photo above, from Le Monde, shows university authorities joined by far right activists coming to challenge the blockade.