Sacked workers occupying Visteon's Enfield plant vacated the premises following announcement of a "deal" discussed with the Unite union.

Workers occupying the Visteon factory in Enfield left the building together at midday today after voting to end in their occupation. There were around 200 people outside to greet the occupiers who, carrying pillows and sleeping bags, descended the spiral steps to rousing applause and chants.
At the High Court earlier this week, the employers agreed to grant a three day window for negotiations to occur before pushing for charges against the occupiers. Talks took place in New York City on 8 April between Visteon bosses and union officials, and it was announced that an improved deal was offered. Details of this new offer however have not been shared with the workers so far.
The occupation may be over but they will continue to picket outside the factory to ensure Visteon can't strip it down. Visteon workers in Basildon have been picketing their workplace all week, and over in Belfast their factory occupation continues.
Some have expressed fears that by ending their occupation workers will lose leverage with their employer.
Supporters of the workers are gathering tonight to discuss how they can assist the Visteon workers in their dispute. Here are the details:.
Support Visteon Workers
7pm - Thursday April 9th TONIGHT!
Phoenix Millennium Centre, 386 West Green Rd, Tottenham N15 3QL (entrance
on the corner of Vincent Road)
(10 mins south east of Turnpike Lane tube)
Hello I can someone tell me
Hello I can someone tell me what are the next plans for the Ford/Visteon workers' protest as I am planning to come to London tomorrow to support if I can. What was decided at the meeting last night (thurs) and among workers? Is there a number for someone at the protest I can ring for up to the date info? Thanks.
Like other things say on the
Like other things say on the site, people are welcome down any time, 12 noon is good. There is a rally for supporters this Saturday at 11 a.m. .
At tonight's meeting of supporters, I'm not sure. Hopefully should have some notes by tomorrow. The e-mail list is a quick way of getting information - details in the "what you can do" post.