Yesterday's protests in France included the occupation of the Eiffel Tower, a symbolic trial of Jacques Chirac and reports of fires at job centres and benefit offices in Paris and Toulouse.
Around 200 students occupied two legs of the Eiffel Tower, symbol par excellance of Paris, France, stopping access to the tourist site for nearly one hour before being dislodged. They then moved onto the Headquarters of the UMP but police presence repelled their plans for a symbolic occupation.
2,000 students from the occupied university in Pau, South West France took part in a night demonstration where King Jacques Chirac was symbolically tried. Verdict of the Peoples Court, La Guillotine...
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ANPE and ASSEDIC Offices : Two mysterious fires The police services in Toulouse are investigating two as yet unexplained fires which broke out at local offices of the ANPE (Job Centre) and ASSEDIC (unemployment benefit office) recently.
The latest which happened last Saturday 1 st April was the most violent, bottles containing inflammable liquid found at the scene are currently under police laboratory analysis. An inscription "Demonstration" was tagged on the facade of the offices. The earlier fire which started at a local office of the ANPE on 22nd January has as yet no clues to its origins.
Meanwhile in Paris, on Sunday night 2nd april the ANPE offices at javelot-tolbiac in the 13th arrondissement in Paris caught fire. Unconfirmed reports suggest that these unexplained fires are a latest in a series of "spontaneous" combustions affecting ANPE offices, and that more recently an unemployed person walked into their local ANPE and threatened to immolate themselves in the foyer.