New wave of strikes in Greece

A new wave of strikes is hitting Greece while the government is hesitating to bring its anti-labour law for a vote in Parliament.

Submitted by taxikipali on June 23, 2010

The new wave of strikes that began with the abstention of markers from the final exams and the rolling strikes at the Athens metro are climaxing in Greece a week before a new general strike called by GSEE and ADEDY.

Lawyers have declared a strike from today till the 7th of July, while hospital doctors have gone on a 24h strike across the country. At the same time railway workers are performing rolling two-hour stoppages throughout the week that are expected to interrupt all major train journeys in the country.

At the same time PAME, the Communist Party union umbrella is leading the labour reactions to the government's new austerity measures which the PM is too afraid to being for vote in Parliament in fear of its government collapsing. Today PAME performed a massive protest march in the streets of Athens, while PAME allied dockworkers blockaded the harbour of Peiraeus causing all tourist boats to cancel their trips to the islands. Asked by the tourist cartel why the dockworkers were not treated "as the law requires" the Ministry of Public Order claimed that "such problems are not solved by means of repression".



14 years ago

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Submitted by Salvoechea on June 23, 2010

How have grassroot unions been developping in the last weeks? Is there a coordination of them? Have anarchist anything to do with the occupation of the Thessaloniki restaurant ?

thanks for your articles !