Strikes at Fiat and letter of solidarity from Poland

A series of strikes has been taking place this week at Fiat plants throughout Italy.

Submitted by akai on July 15, 2010

Today there were strikes related to Fiat's decision to cut bonuses this year.

Tomorrow, Fiom and some other unions are calling for a four-hour strike throughout Italy. The strike is in protest of the sacking of four unionists in retaliation for not signing the Pomigliano deal.

Workers in Tychy, Poland were angry to learn that a unionist at the Mirafiori factory in Turin, Pino Capozzi, was fired for sending out the letter they had written using email at work. They send the following letter of solidarity:

Solidarity from Poland

Colleagues at Fiat Italy!

We admire and support your struggle against serious attacks on your working conditions and your basic human rights and freedoms.

The firing of Pino Capozzi shows the true nature of the company we are working for. It is a clear attack on workers' right to protest and dissent.

We are witnessing the growth of a new totalitarianism - corporate power. Where working people are too weak to fight back, it already is a system of terror.

Unfortunately our company unions decided that we should stay quiet like slaves and beg Fiat not to take our jobs. But some of us will work very, very slowly tomorrow as a small sign of solidarity.

Tychy, July 15, 2010



14 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Ed on July 15, 2010

Interesting stuff. Has that letter been translated into Italian? If not, then I might be able to ask someone to do it..


14 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by akai on July 15, 2010

Please do.


14 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by q2g3h on July 16, 2010

Colleghi di Fiat Italia,

noi ammiriamo enormemente la vostra lotta contro gli attacchi alle vostre condizioni di lavoro e i vostri diritti fondamentali.

Il licenziamento di Pino Capozzi mostra la vera natura dell'azienda per cui lavoriamo. E' un attacco al diritto basilare dei lavoratori di poter protestare e dissentire con le scelte della dirigenza. Stiamo assistendo alla crescita di un nuovo totalitarismo - quello che viene chiamato "Corporate Power". Nei luoghi in cui i lavoratori sono troppo deboli per resistere esso si configura come un vero e proprio sistema di terrore.

Disgraziatamente i sindacati qui a Tychy hanno deciso che noi dobbiamo starcene tranquilli, da bravi servi, e pregare Fiat di non toglierci il lavoro.
Ma alcuni di noi domani lavoreranno molto, molto lentamente. Sarà un piccolo segno di solidarietà verso di voi.

Tychy, 15 luglio 2010
posted it on Indymedia ( as last time.
I'll try to keep you posted on developments here in Ita.


14 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by akai on July 16, 2010



14 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by polrpk on July 30, 2010

If they want us to work harder (and making more plusvalue, more profits), the best answer we can send to them, at this moment, is work slowly and make less plusvalue.

The "time of rifle" will be here someday, I'm sure. But now hit their profits is the only thing we can do.

Congratulations and a infinite solidarity to the Tychy workers.