Liverpool anarchist’s day of action against workfare 5th May 2012

A brief report on a day of action against workfare in Liverpool.

Submitted by working class … on May 5, 2012

Today, many non-aligned anarchists joined with members of Solfed in a day of action in Liverpool against companies that participate in the governments workfare programme.

As we walked down the main shopping street we noticed that several shops had security guards posted on the front doors, using their radios to alert other stores of our presence. Throughout the action we observed several 'plain clothed' security staff attempting to get near to us to photograph individuals.

Our first target was a branch of Holland & Barratt’s. As we got close, two security guards quickly closed and locked one of the doors, and kept their feet against the other, preventing us from entering. We stayed at Holland & Barratt’s for around an hour before moving on to WH Smith, and then finishing at another branch of Holland & Barratt.

Throughout the afternoon we handed out hundreds of leaflets, had many positive discussions with passers-by, and successfully persuaded several people not to cross our picket.

All things considered it was a positive and successful day.



12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Bella on May 8, 2012

well done to comrades in Liverpool. A presence on the streets is success in itself!