Unknown individuals have burnt down offices in Athens that belong to the fascist 'Golden Dawn' party.

The Greek fascist party, the Golden Dawn, have received significant fire damage to their offices in central Athens following an attack by unknown individuals.
The offices are on the fourth floor of a tower block, and were empty at the time.
The Golden Dawn has issued a press release condemning the attack:
“It is yet another terrorist attack. The national struggle will continue just as powerfully until Greece belongs once more to the Greeks”
The Golden Dawn received around 7% of the vote in recent elections and has over 20 MP’s in the Greek Parliament.
Since they gained office, the number of attacks on immigrants in Greece has sky-rocketed. Not only do they encourage attacks on immigrants, their officials actively participate in them, often in league with the police (50% of whom voted for the Golden Dawn in recent elections).
Couldn't happen to a nicer
Couldn't happen to a nicer group of people
Make total destroy!
Make total destroy!
terrible shame, terrible etc
terrible shame, terrible etc etc
I hope they receive more warm
I hope they receive more warm receptions
Violence against fascists is
Violence against fascists is counter-revolutionary or something.
Some Greek mainstream media
Some Greek mainstream media coverage
Greek Reporter: Golden Dawn office firebombed in Athens after Iraqi’s murder
Athens News: Young Iraqi fatally wounded in Athens
This news certainly warmed
This news certainly warmed the cockles of my heart.
That photo makes them look
That photo makes them look like a really shit Public Enemy tribute act!