Radical America #02.04: Historical roots of Black liberation

Submitted by Reddebrek on June 25, 2013

Constituent articles:

- The historical roots of Black liberation (Rawick, George)
- Revolutionary letters #15 (DiPrima, Diane)
- Africa for the Afro-Americans George Padmore and the Black press (Hooker, J. R.)
- Document: C.L.R. on the origins
- Black editor an interview
- Boston Road blues (Henderson, David)
- New perspectives on American radicalism an historical reassessment (Buhle, Paul)
- The poets (Georgakas, Dan)
- I sing of shine (Knight, Etheridge)
- Convention resolution: Madison SDS




11 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on June 25, 2013

Hi, many thanks for continuing to post these. However could you please make sure to keep the article titles consistent so that they automatically go in alphabetical order? They should go in the format:

Radical America #xx.xx: Issue name

where the "xx" denote the volume then the issue number in two digit format, and the issue name is given if it has an issue. I.e.:

Radical America #01.03: The New York rent strike


11 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on June 25, 2013

Also, the sector tag "journalism" is for journalism workers' struggles so unless that is what the issues are about please don't add that.

(Please don't take any of this as criticism, as we are very grateful, just some technical pointers!)


11 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by wojtek on June 25, 2013

