Several people received minor injuries after a far-right march attacked a student counter-protest in Charlottesville last night. The march was taking place ahead of today's “#UniteTheRight” rally, which is expected to be the largest neo-Nazi protest in the USA since 2002.

More than 400 hundred neo-Nazis and white nationalists marched through Charlottesville with torches chanting “white lives matter” and the Nazi slogan “blood and soil”. Before the march could reach it a liberal community anti-racist event in a church was evacuated.
Around 40 student and local anti-fascists attempted to counter-protest the march by linking arms around a statue in the centre of the university. The students were swarmed by the neo-Nazis, who completely surrounded the group before attacking them with fists and pepper spray.
These violent white supremacist terrorists are in #Charlottesville assaulting people right now.#UniteTheRight— Tariq Nasheed (@tariqnasheed) August 12, 2017
The #UniteTheRight rally is an attempt to bring together all of the neo-Nazi and white nationalist groups which have been buoyed by the emergence of the alt-right. Memetic punch bag Richard Spencer is a the headline speaker, also appearing are a host of other prominent alt-right social media users.
i've been following this
i've been following this closely since and and even before Tump's election.
Fascists are winning more and more in the streets there: Berkeley, Charlottesville...
Even worse.... one killed
Even worse.... one killed today .....
syndicalist wrote: Even
A member of the IWW, no?
admin: derailing comments
admin: derailing comments removed
RIP to the person killed in Charlottesville today.
Refusing to get into the
Refusing to get into the middle of this argument but it's all over social media that the dead comrade was a Wobbly. One of my twitter mutuals said that they were a friend of a friend, which is in no way an actual confirmation but that's the word right now. Obviously no one is going to be able to give a definitive identification because next of kin and other loved ones need to be informed first.
It has not been confirmed (as
It has not been confirmed (as of 6:20 PM Eastern Standard Time-US) that the person is a member of the IWW. It is believed that they are, with the two injured protesters members of the Democratic Socialists of America.
I've no further and confirmed info at this time.
CNN is now reporting 3 dead
CNN is now reporting 3 dead in C'ville. No other details as I can not get the audio. only a headline.
I've heard that the other 2
I've heard that the other 2 deaths are from the police helicopter crash but that's only rumours right now, afaik.
Comment removed. It was in
Comment removed. It was in response to others comments taken down
All the derailing comments
All the derailing comments have been removed. Seriously people should know better.
This is awful, press reports I can see say 1 dead and 19 injured in the attack, with two killed in an unrelated police helicopter crash (no bystanders)
in terms of the person killed, it seems it was a woman, and the DSA Twitter account posted this containing an IWW logo, so presumably they also believe she was a wobbly:
so sorry for the victims, their friends and family. Trump has basically refused to condemn the attack, making a bland comment about violence on all sides. He is such a piece of shit.
Fleur wrote: I've heard that
Yeah, you might be right about that portrays. I seen something in The Hill and they made it seem like the surveillance chopper cops deaths were attributable to the protest.
Washington Post: Quote: A”
Washington Post:
This is from the IWW's
This is from the IWW's General Defense Committee:
The sister killed by the
The sister killed by the racist/fascist is Heather Heyer. I heard she was with DSA, but can not confirm.
The pig who ran over all
The pig who ran over all those comrades was James Alex Fields, 20, of Maumee, Ohio.
[quote=Huffington Post]Fields’ mother, Samantha Bloom, told the Toledo Blade on Saturday that her son had told her he was going to Virginia for an “alt-right” rally but didn’t describe it to her in detail. Bloom said she’d warned her son to be careful and to protest “peacefully,” according to the newspaper.
Bloom told The Associated Press that she wasn’t aware that the event was a white supremacist rally. “I thought it had to do with Trump,” she said. “Trump’s not a white supremacist.”[/quote]
From the pictures of the
From the pictures of the attack, there's several IWW flags so it looks like it was our bloc that was hit. I'll post any further information that I can.
Quote: The #UniteTheRight
In response to the police apparently crashing one of the Right's events, Spencer is vowing to "make Charlottesville the center of the world" and "come back here so many times it's gonna make your head spin." In any case, upsetting news about the death of a possible wobbly, and regards to anyone personally affected.
Juan Conatz wrote: From the
Juan Conatz
Apparently she was a DSA member. Regardless, what a freakin shame.
Protest in Oakland (half an
Protest in Oakland (half an hour ago):
A few tweets are saying she
A few tweets are saying she was a member of both the DSA and the IWW which might explain the confusion. has so far been the most reliable information about this on twitter.
list of solidarity
list of solidarity demos
e2a the NYC one is listed as at 7 pm, but the link to the organizers says 4 pm, so perhaps it'd be good to double check your local listing.
oscha wrote: i've been
It certaintly seems like the right is getting bigger and more capable of putting people on the streets, and winning fights is only going to encourage them.
Very bad news that someone standing up to this was killed.
More on the driver who plowed
More on the driver who plowed into the crowd in Charlottesville:
[quote=Washington Post]The accused driver, James Alex Fields Jr., 20, of Ohio, espoused Nazi views in high school, according to Derek Weimer, a teacher.
Weimer, a history teacher, said that he taught Fields during his junior and senior years at Randall K. Cooper High School in the Boone County school district in Kentucky.
During a class called “America’s Modern Wars,” Weimer said that Fields wrote a deeply researched paper about the Nazi military during World War II.
“It was obvious that he had this fascination with Nazism and a big idolatry of Adolf Hitler,” Weimer said. “He had white supremacist views. He really believed in that stuff.”
Weimer said that Fields’ research project into the Nazi military was well written but appeared to be a “big lovefest for the German military and the Waffen SS.”
“When you’re a teacher and you see one of your former students do this it’s a nightmare scenario,” Weimer said. “This was something that was growing in him. I admit I failed. I tried my best. But this is definitely a teachable moment and something we need to be vigilant about because this stuff is tearing up our country.”[/quote]
jef costello wrote: oscha
jef costello
Hmm... I wasn't there, and obviously the dust is still settling on a pretty chaotic day, but it seems more and more clear that the fascists did not win yesterday. They got routed both on a tactical/street level (pushed out of the park and dispersed before the rally was even supposed to start) and an optical/pr level (swastikas and driving cars into crowds is not a good look, even to most Trump supporters).
One of the main goals of their rally was to start tying together the disparate threads of the far right, I'd be very surprised if those groups, personalities, and tendencies didn't all start blaming each other for the failures during the rally. They're certainly gonna be more disconnected from any kind of base after this weekend. I'd also be surprised if we see very many oathkeeper/3%er militia types at these rallies in the future, that link was already fracturing before this rally.
Obviously, we can't really claim that an event in which a woman was murdered and 19 people were sent to the hospital was a victory, but it is looking like the far-right were well out-organized yesterday.
This sums it up pretty well
This sums it up pretty well (thanks to Huli for the link):
An Influential Vet Just Put The Blame For Todays Violence Right Where It Belongs In Epic Rant
And another factoid (thanks to S. Artesian for this one):
[quote=S.A.]State legislatures in Tennessee, North Dakota, Florida have all debated new laws that would indemnify vehicle drivers who strike protesters occupying or blocking a public roadway.[/quote]
Reds, do you have any reports
Reds, do you have any reports or videos (or whatever) that give you that impression? I can't tell one way or the other and I'd like to know your reasoning
Hieronymous wrote: This sums
also NC
eyewitness reports from UVA students
Workers Solidarity Alliance
Workers Solidarity Alliance Short Statement
I'm at the San Francisco
I'm at the San Francisco march going through the gay Castro District to a fairly sympathetic reception. Maybe a couple hundred for an event called by the RCP front group Now they're doing a lame die-in at the main intersection. Not terribly inspiring. I should've gone to Oakland last night.
After the mediocre Maoist-led
After the mediocre Maoist-led march mentioned above, another comrade (who sometimes posts on libcom) and I eventually made our way to San Francisco City Hall for a 7:00 p.m. vigil. We got there a little early and had some nice discussions with others, who happened to be mostly older women and there were fewer of the hardened activists of the earlier event. The crowd built up to several hundred and were clearly a more diverse group of working class people, both young and old.
A trans woman with a bullhorn spoke for the first 20 minutes, until the crowd demanded that other voices be heard. The speaker balked, and the crowed -- while chanting "Black Lives Matter" -- simply moved and reformed as a new circle nearby on the Civic Center Plaza and speakers began to alternate from person-to-person, as well as breaking into civil rights-era songs. Unlike the march and their mostly pre-printed posters, the vigil had almost entirely hand-drawn and poetic signs. Faith-based types were well represented, and although I'm a staunch atheist, their interfaith -- although secular -- messages of tribute to Heather Heyer had an appropriate solemnity and gravity to honor her memory. The earlier RefuseFascism protest simply regurgitated the same boilerplate chants they always use, which are always heavily ideological and actually almost never resonate with the occasion.
Poetic justice for white
Poetic justice for white nationalist Jason Kessler:
Make fascists afraid again
Make fascists afraid again
was at Union Square
was at Union Square yesterday. there were i'd say 300 there, perhaps more, a good number i thought. good age range too. called by DSA so there was a very visible DSA presence. there were also lots of ISO lithographed signs, BLM signs and chants, home-made anti-trump etc. signs, a few Palestinian flags, and a flag of the Metropolitan Anarchist Co-ordinating Committee, of which i've never heard but I'm not plugged in. the demo was completely contained by NYPD, who also had "legal observers". there was a speaker but we on the perimeter couldn't hear. i understand that the group later went to Trump's abode but i had left by then.
while there was antifa sentiment, i thought the focus was vague and commemoration of Heather Heyer and the immediate fight against the right did not appear to be at the center of the message. but then, as i said, i couldn't hear everything. perhaps other new york libcommers can give another perspective.
From listening to Democracy
From listening to Democracy Now! on a Pacifica affiliated radio station this morning:
[CORRECTION] [quote=CORNEL WEST]The antifascists, and then, crucial, the anarchists, because they saved our lives, actually. We would have been completely crushed, and I’ll never forget that.[...]The white supremacy was so intense. I’ve never seen that kind of hatred in my life. We stood there, and nine units went by, and looking right in our eyes. And they’re cussing me out, and so forth and so on. They’re lucky I didn’t lose my holy ghost, to tell you the truth, because I wanted to start swinging myself. I’m a Christian, but not a pacifist, you know. But I held back. But that kind of hatred—but that is just the theater. It’s big money. It’s big military. And it’s the way in which this capitalist civilization is leading us toward unbelievable darkness and bleakness. And the beautiful thing is the fightback. It was a beautiful thing to see all the people coming back. [/quote]
Another Charolottesville interviewee, a University of Virginia professor, pointed out:
Jalane Schmidt
Democracy Now! broadcast for today, August 14, 2017:
Cornel West & Rev. Traci Blackmon: Clergy in Charlottesville Were Trapped by Torch-Wielding Nazis
UVA Prof on UVA's Historical Ties to KKK & White Nationalist Alums Richard Spencer & Jason Kessler[/quote]
This toppling of a
This toppling of a confederate statue in Durham, North Carolina today was too beautiful and inspiring to not post here:
Assad's radical right
Assad's radical right admirers in Charlottesville (CounterVortex)
A Look Back at the 1939
A Look Back at the 1939 Pro-Nazi Rally at Madison Square Garden and the Protestors Who Organized Against It
NYT gives 2 paragraphs - and
NYT gives 2 paragraphs - and a hotlink! - to redneck revolt
a thing i haven't read elsewhere, they showed up with a cordon of rifles
compendium about state
compendium about state attempts to legalize protestor ramming
from yesterday's Washington
from yesterday's Washington Post, by N. D. B. Connolly (professor at John hopkins University)
Vice journalist filming and interviewing various unitetheright participants. The guy at 19:10 is unbelievable, trying to depict Fields as the victim.
Entdinglichung wrote: from
wapo also has a sympathetic article today on antifascists.
has the Washington Post
has the Washington Post turned radical? ;-)
Reddit front page has a lot
Reddit front page has a lot of anti Nazi memes and articles posted the last few days.
What do people think of
What do people think of Lorenzo Komboa Ervin take on the situation?
"We should understand that the fascists are making their last gasp struggle in history, and it may seem that they are succeeding since Trump is in presidential office and has a gov't packed with white supremacists, corporate fascists, christian fascists, and other right-wing fascist elements.
However, we must understand this historical moment deeper: This is also a period when fascism, the expression of degenerated capitalism, can not only be defeated, but we can have a social revolution which can wipe out this capitalist system itself forever. This is truly why we must fight, we have a world to win!"
Lorenzo is a nice guy, but
Lorenzo is a nice guy, but still trapped in the 60s/70s (i.e. too many quasi-Marxist rhetorical flourishes, like historical stages)
klan calls rally in durham,
klan calls rally in durham, one guy shows up. maybe.