Online-only articles from Shift magazine. Copied to clipboard "You mean they actually vote for the lizards?" - Junge Linke Against Kamikaze Capitalism: Oil, Climate Change and the French refinery blockades Blue Labour – “faith, family and dog-whistle politics.” An interview with political theorist Ed Rooksby Greece: "We are drowning, let's sink the rotten boat" Increasing the uncertainty: beyond activism as usual International antinationalism! Islamism – Consequence of, heir to and rival of frustrated Arab nationalism Legal activism: the spatial politics of squatting in the UK Occupied London: revolt and crisis in Greece Occupied with conspiracies? The occupy movement, populist anti-elitism, and the conspiracy theorists Precarious life? Precarity and the workplace: an account of organising at an FE College The Manchester protest against Aaron Porter was not anti-Semitic! Welcome to the occupation Why it’s kicking off everywhere - Tom Fox ‘Bout to explode: a day in the life of a precarious worker “Occupy! Manchester is based on this desire to rediscover 'direct action' as a popular political form”: An interview with an organiser of Occupy Manchester “Real Democracy”: an interview with Michael Hardt “Unite march to parliament whereas the rank and file plan to meet up with the education march” - Interview with a spark Book traversal links for Online articles The poverty of privilege politics Up "You mean they actually vote for the lizards?" - Junge Linke Printer-friendly version Shift Comments Sub editing note: fixed Sub editing note: fixed capitalisation in title (should be normal sentence case), added Shift to authors/groups box, added short intro and changed the weight of the article to show beneath magazine issues
Sub editing note: fixed Sub editing note: fixed capitalisation in title (should be normal sentence case), added Shift to authors/groups box, added short intro and changed the weight of the article to show beneath magazine issues
An interview with Alberto Toscano Alberto Toscano is a sociologist from Goldsmiths College, London, and author of Fanaticism: On the uses of an idea. In this email interview,…
International antinationalism! In this text written by Working Group “Just Do It!” of AntiFa AK Cologne, the authors lay out the perspective of "antinational communism"…
Regroupment Interview 3: Climate Justice Collective This is the third interview in our regroupment series looking at some of the new groups currently working in the UK and exploring the reasons behind their formation. With the return of direct action against power stations and fuel policies in the news is the time ripe for a return to climate activism? We ask the Climate Justice Collective for their opinion. Originally published in September 2012.
Remember, remember: Climate Camp In this article published in Shift magazine, the authors take a critical look back at the climate camp movement and their involvement in it…
Shift magazine Archive of Shift magazine, a radical journal published in Manchester from 2007-2012, subtitled "against austerity and social control".
Why it’s kicking off everywhere - Tom Fox Tom Fox reviews Paul Mason's book "Why it's Kicking off Everywhere".
Sub editing note: fixed
Sub editing note: fixed capitalisation in title (should be normal sentence case), added Shift to authors/groups box, added short intro and changed the weight of the article to show beneath magazine issues