The June 1937 issue of Vanguard, an anarchist journal published out of New York, with articles by Gregori Maximov, Sidney Solomon, Augustin Souchy, Camillo Berneri and Max Nomad.

-Anarchism and economics by Gregori Maximov
-Betrayal in Spain by S. Morrison (a.k.a. Sidney Solomon)
-Manifesto of Libertarian Youth of Catalonia
-Toward a new July 19th by Augustin Souchy
-Why Malaga fell by Augustin Souchy
-Open letter to Federica Montsent by Camillo Berneri
-People's Front for China by I.A.C.
-Regarding Trotsky: a rebuttal by David Lawrence
-Rise of the C.I.O. by Joseph Zack Kornfeder
-The state and classes in the USSR by M. Yvon
-From IWW to GPU by Max Nomad
Vanguard (Vol. 3, No. 7, June 1937).pdf
(550.3 KB)