The Wobblies (documentary) The 1979 documentary film The Wobblies provides an overview of the rise and fall of the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World), complete with…
Italy: NO TAV against fascism! Last Friday 9th March, a small number of militants from the neofascist group Forza Nuova (“New Force”) protested outside the offices of the…
Locked out workers on Merseyside to demonstrate outside conference Locked out food workers on Merseyside are on their way to London to protest outside a major food…
The strange story of Nikolai Starostin, football and Lavrentii Beria An article by Jim Riordan in the journal Europe-Asia Studies describing the fate of Nikolai…
One dimensional woman - Nina Power Exposes the dark heart of contemporary cultural life by examining pornography, consumer capitalism and the ideology of women's work.
Presentation of the Sic journal in Athens The following text is a presentation made by participants of the Sic journal in Athens
The anatomy of a joke Polite Ire takes on 'banter' by analysing what makes a joke funny. Written in the wake of the website 'UniLad' openly advocating rape 'as a joke'…
Solidarity spoof exam paper, 1972 A satirical take on the examination and wider education process by the Solidarity Group.
George Fontenis on a life of militancy and the future of the libertarian alternative An interview with the late Georges Fontenis conducted by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. on 19 February…
ABC of anarchism - Alexander Berkman First published in 1929, this book by Alexander Berkman answers some of the charges made against it and presents the case for communist anarchism…
Nothing in common: an oral history of IWW strikes 1971-1992 A short book on IWW strikes and organizing after the unexpected modest resurgence of the union in…
Gender and protest Polite Ire argues that patriarchy cannot be challenged without taking on capitalism and the state - and vice versa.