Leaflet protesting the execution of members of the Tallion group Information about nine anarchist members of the Tallion anti-Franco resistance group who were…
Opposition and resistance in Nazi Germany Pamphlet offering a snapshot of some elements of the resistance to Nazism in Germany before and during World War II. It is not a comprehensive…
Authoritarian Neoliberalism: the Specter of Pinochet This essay explores the rise of populist demagogues and the economics of their regimes. Rather than marking a clear break with neoliberalism or a…
Unionism and Anti-Fascism - Twin Cities General Defense Committee Statement on Opposing All Oppression from the Twin Cities GDC Local 14 on the importance of fighting…
Montana Wobblies, Antifa Out-Organize Nazis Report on an antifascist mobilisation in Whitefish, Western Montana, where neo-nazis had called for an armed rally against Jewish residents.
Against factional struggles in ruling classes/elites The polarization in the US following the Trump electoral victory is transformed to the ex-western bloc geography. The ruling classes' inter…
A popular front of the right? Rather than being purely fascist or a mysterious contradictory collection of personalities, the Trump Administration can be best seen as a…
Selected Writings - Clara Zetkin Essays and speeches from 1889-1933, long unavailable in the U.S., on women's equality, labor, peace, socialism.
Top ten Richard Spencer punch remix videos Feels like it's been a long time since we've done any top tens but if anything needed it, it's this: here's our top ten Richard Spencer getting…
Freedom's crooked scars: John Cornford in Spain A biographical, political, and literary introduction to John Cornford, the first man to go from England to fight the fascist takeover in Spain in…
Auschwitz or the great alibi Article from Communist Left, No. 6, July – December, 1993; translated from La Gauche Communiste, no. 13., 1987. Original in Programme Communiste, N. 11, 1960. Although attributed to Amadeo Bordiga, it was probably written by the French-Jewish Bordigist Martin Axelrad (1926 – 2010), once a refugee, his parents died at Treblinka.