Stop the BNP, stop the real bigots A leaflet produced by Brighton Solidarity Federation and distributed at an anti-BNP demonstration in Hove in December 2008, attended by 150…
Photos published of Greek police/fascist collaboration Photographic evidence of collusion between members of the fascist paramilitary group Golden Dawn and…
Fascism - further reading guide Libcom's guide to further reading around the far right, fascism and Nazism.
Remembering the Third Wave - Leslie Weinfield Article about the 1967 experiment in Cubberley High School, California, in which a teacher created a proto-fascist movement which got out of hand…
The third wave, 1967: an account - Ron Jones Schoolteacher Ron Jones's personal account of his experiment which created a proto-fascist movement amongst his high school pupils in Palo Alto,…
Bolivian union disapproves of Morales' negotiations with fascists The Central Obrera Boliviana sees no value in the current dialogue between the indigenous-peasant…
Hannibal, Hermann 1898-1963 A short biography of Hermann Hannibal, blacksmith and member of the FAUD, imprisoned by the Nazis in Sachsenhausen concentration camp
Silva Cruz, Maria, 1915-1936 A short biography of the iconic figure of Maria Silva Cruz, "La Libertaria," heroine of the Casas Viejas uprising, murdered by the Francoists.
Schwab, Alexander aka Sachs, 1887 -1943 A short biography of council communist and organiser of underground networks, Alexander Schwab, who died in a Nazi concentration camp.
Weiland, Alfred, 1906-1978 A short biography of council communist, organiser of underground network, Alfred Weiland, kidnapped by the East German state in the post war…
Ferrero, Pietro, 1892- 1922 A short biography of Pietro Ferrero who, with Maurizio Garino, was one of the anarchists at the head of the factory councils movement in Turin.
Garino, Maurizio, 1892-1977 A short biography of Maurizio Garino, one of the leading anarchist animators of the Italian factory council movement.