Direct Action (SWF): Vol 5 #07 (46) Nov 1950 The Syndicalist Workers Federation on: Govt increases conscription period to two years, North Thames gas strike, textile industry, Not Centralism…
Russia Cuts the Gas Supply to Poland and Bulgaria: Another Step Towards Generalised War The article which follows is translated from the current edition of Battaglia Comunista. It is a…
Climate change must be a thing: it's on prime time TV The political establishment will try co-opting new climate protest movements, such as Extinction…
2016: the hottest year on record A new report by a US government agency has found that temperatures in 2016 were the highest in 137 years of direct measurements, breaking the…
Repression worsens against activists fighting TAP gas pipeline in Italy Grassroots organisation the AltreMenti Valle Peligna collective reports that repression is becoming…
1922: Guayaquil General Strike Workers in the southern Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil struck due to increased economic pressures. The strike brought the city to a halt and gained…
1983-85: Bolivian Protests and Strikes Defeat President In 1983 Bolivia elected a left wing president supported by a coalition of leftist parties and union…
Reflections on sabotage, theirs and ours - Jeff Shantz On capitalist and worker sabotage in environmental struggle.
Après moi le déluge! Fossil fuel abolitionism and the carbon bubble - part 2 In part two of this two-part article, we look at the parallels between fossil-fuel abolitionism and…
Après moi le déluge! Fossil fuel abolitionism and the carbon bubble - part 1 In part one of this two-part article, we look at the so-called ‘carbon bubble’ – assets priced based…
Communising energy: power to the people! A brief critique of the existing model of heat production in Britain and a comparison with a communal system. If you thought things were rosy in…
No Dash For Gas: We climbed those chimneys to kick-start protest and debate EDF, the power company, has been denounced for attacking the right to protest, after it launched a…