Televisionaries: the Red Army Faction story - Tom Vague A short book on Germany's most notorious urban guerrilla group, the Red Army Faction, aka the Baader…
Excerpts from 'A German deserter's war experience' Excerpts from the book 'A German deserter's war experience' by Anonymous.
The Christmas truce, 1914 - Steven Johns A short history of the widespread but unofficial truce between British and German troops on the Western front over Christmas, 1914 during World…
The responsibility of intellectuals - Dwight Macdonald In the April 1945 edition of politics, Dwight Macdonald took aim at the collective-guilt mentality…
Anarchism in Germany and other essays - Gustav Landauer Five essays, together with a historical/biographical sketch of the legendary German anarchist…
Prophet of community: the romantic socialism of Gustav Landauer - Eugene Lunn Eugene Lunn's in-depth study of Gustav Landauer's life and thought.
Critique’s quarrel with church and state (excerpt) - Edgar Bauer The young Edgar Bauer (1820-1886) was credited by Gustav Landauer and Max Nettlau with founding the…
The reaction in Germany - Mikhail Bakunin 'Die Reaktion in Deutschland. Ein Fragment von einem Franzosen’ first appeared in Arnold Ruge (ed.), Deutsche Jahrbücher fur Wissenschaft and…
How did the first world war actually end? - Paul Mason Journalist Paul Mason poses the question of how World War I actually ended, as this question is…
How it all began: the personal account of a West German urban guerrilla - Bommi Baumann A memoir of Bommi Baumann, a member of the 2 June Movement, one of West Germany's urban guerrilla…
A German deserter's war experiences Book written by an anonymous German soldier who deserted during World War I about his experiences, first published in 1917.