Cologne: occupation of the Barmer Block housing estate, 2006 - Wildcat Text published in Wildcat in summer 2006 reporting on the internal dynamics of a major housing…
Dale Farm traveller reprieve Hopes have been raised that Dale Farm, the largest traveller site in the UK, will gain a reprieve from eviction in the New Year.
Stirling rejects stock transfer Council tenants in Stirling have voted by a large majority to reject stock transfer to a not-for-profit company, Housing Stirling.
Squatting guide This is a brief guide to the completely legal activity of squatting - occupying an empty property and making it your home.
Setting up housing co-operatives guide Some tips on how to set up a housing co-operative. Co-ops can be an affordable way of housing yourself if you can't afford to buy, and you don't…
1971: Via Tibaldi occupation A short history of an occupation of empty housing in Italy by workers who had inadequate accomodation. Their direct action and solidarity forced…
1971: The Quarto Oggiaro occupation A short history of a militant mass occupation of empty housing in Milan, Italy, 1971 which pressured the government to give in and provide the…
1931: Barcelona mass rent strike The story of one of the biggest rent strikes of the 20th century where more than 100,000 people faced down the landlords and the government winning improvements for many tenants.
1915: The Glasgow rent strike The history of a months-long rent strike of 30,000 Glasgow residents against profiteering landlords, forcing the government to freeze rents for…
Housing Benefit A short article from 'the Whinger' p. petard on proposed Housing Benefit reform.