Leaflet of Visteon National Day of Action 25th April 2009 Leaflet of upcoming National Day of Action to support sacked Visteon workers
Visteon leaflet for the US Visteon occupation solidarity leaflet designed for distribution in the US, specifically to Visteon workers, in PDF format.
Support the Ford Visteon workers' occupation - leaflet Leaflet of workers occupying the Ford Visteon factory in Enfield, north London. A ready-to-print…
Make economy history A leaflet distributed on yesterday's (Sat 28 Mar 09) 'Put People First' march in London. The leaflet argues against reformist demands as a…
Stop the BNP, stop the real bigots A leaflet produced by Brighton Solidarity Federation and distributed at an anti-BNP demonstration in Hove in December 2008, attended by 150…
Anti-war statement from Antithesis (NYC-NEFAC) Leaflet against the Iraq war written by the Antithesis collective (NYC-NEFAC) and distributed at an anti-war rally in New York City on October…
Housing: Your Squalor Their Profits The text of a leaflet put out by the Anarchist Syndicalist Alliance, London, some time in the mid 70s. While some areas are dated, some is…
Agency staff: Don't scab on your fellow workers! - Pracownicy agencji: Nie bądźcie łamistrajkami! A bilingual English-Polish leaflet produced to counter Royal Mail using casual…
Commentaries #1: War in Iran? Why we must oppose sanctions The first in a new series of pamphlets from the Brighton-based Aufheben collective, intended to supplement the annual magazine by responding to developing events. Published and distributed in March 2006.
Leaflet: Gaining as much as possible from Škoda´s profit! The leaflet spread in Skoda/Volkswagen factories in three towns in February 2007 by KPK.
Mouvement Communiste CPE leaflets for students and building workers Two leaflets about the CPE employment law. The first from 27 March, by some students in Jussieu to…
Action in Belgium against the international assembly of art critics The text of a leaflet distributed by the Situationists at a gathering of art critics.