Anarchism and the ZZZ in Poland, 1919-1939

Two articles on the history of the anarchist movement and anarcho-syndicalist union ZZZ in Poland between the two world wars.

Submitted by libcom on January 21, 2011

Scanned by from a special supplement of Rebel Worker, the PDF contains two articles: "History of the Polish anarchist movement 1919-1929" by the FAU and "The ZZZ and Poland 1929-1939" by NSF, the Norwegian section of the International Workers Association.


Poland.pdf (1.68 MB)



12 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on November 16, 2012

akai wrote:
About the two articles you linked to, although both give a number of interesting facts, neither is a good history. The first one is particularly bad, as it spends a lot of time discussing socialist parties but in fact doesn't give any details about the movement prior to the 1920s. It does mention that it was very important in the anarchist movement in Tsarist Russia - and that is a fact. But says nothing much about it.

A bit of a problematic issue about describing the "Polish" movement in the 20th century is that Poland didn't exist in the most important revolutionary period. But there were organizations consisting of Poles or ones with people of different "nationalities".

If we talk about anarcho-syndicalism then, we also could see the development of two trends really: one Polish syndicalist trend (centered in Krakow and Warsaw) and another Silesian trend. In the area of Silesia, the main organization was FAUD, however there was a large ethnic mix and there were Poles, Czechs, Silesians, etc. It was a specific of the time and place, so of course you had people who were Polish or Czech living in a German area, so speaking German, etc., like Souchy or Pilarski. (The same was true during the Russian empire, that many Polish anarchists in fact were also educated in Russian, were integrated into Russian speaking groups, etc.).