Issue of Anarchy magazine from July 1963. This issue is a detailed account of the Spies for Peace, and their discovery of secret government shelters.

The Spies for Peace Story:
1. What Official Secret?
2. In the Beginning...
3. The Ripples Spread
4. Informing the Public
5. More Secrete...More Demonstrations
6. Fallout
7. Whodunit?
8. The State Hits Back
9. Onto the Banned-Waggon!
10. RSGs, Parliament and the State
11. Conclusions
Letter to readers …
The account of the "Spies for Peace" story and its implications, which fills most of this enlarged issue of ANARCHY has been compiled by members of the Solidarity group, the Syndicalist Workers' Federation, the London Federation of Anarchists, the Independent Labour Party and the London Committee of 100. It is also being published by them as a separate pamphlet. If you find you have a copy of both editions, don't be annoyed, just pass one on! This document needs the widest possible circulation and we hope that readers will order extra copies.
The feature on "The Community Workshop" announced for this issue of ANARCHY will appear next month, together with readers' observations on ANARCHY 28, which we have had to hold over from this issue, and we hope, a long article on gypsies.
Other articles awaiting publication in the next few months include Jeff Robinson's Anarchy and Practicability, John D. McEwan on Anarchism and the Cybernetics of Self-Organising Systems, a symposium on Anarchism and Crime, a long analysis of the Anarchism of Alex Comfort, Richard Drinnon on Alexander Berkman and H. W. Morton on Randolph Bourne.