Aufheben Issue #7. Contents listed below: Author Aufheben Copied to clipboard Attachments aufheben_07.pdf (7.65 MB) Intakes: Fascism/Anti-Fascism - Barrot Replies Social Democracy: No Future? An Introduction to Articles on the Retreat of Social Democracy (Part I) What was the USSR? Part II: Russia as a non-mode of production State of the Unions: Recent US Labour Struggles in Perspective Book traversal links for Aufheben #07 (Autumn 1998) Review: Whatever happened to the Situationists? Up Intakes: Fascism/Anti-Fascism - Barrot Replies Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
A commune in Chiapas? Mexico and the Zapatista rebellion, 1994-2000 Since the occupation of January 1994, many have projected their hopes onto this 'exotic' struggle…
The language of retreat: review of Virno's A grammar of the multitude Aufheben review and critique of the book A grammar of the multitude by Paolo Virno, published by…