Anarcho-syndicalist magazine from 2001.

The party's over: Contents
- New Old Labour: The Socialist Alliance: Is it a force worth turning out for, or is it just New Old Labour? What will prevent it simply becoming New (Crap) Labour in another 70 years' time?
- blairedvision: Guilt-free shopping, Homelessness Tsar Louise Casey objects to groups giving soup to rough sleepers. She reckons it makes them dependent on food - or something like that.
- actions+comment: Natfuscation; Big Eyes; Living, teaching SEXISM; Health care or Wealth care?; BSE & vCJD - What next?
- Sidelines: DETR occupied; Simon Jones Victory; Charging Chickens; Killing Pays; Siemens Stains; Nazis on the Make; Faslane Goes Slow; Easy Money; No Sweat; Rising Tide; The Real Terrorists; Ham and Eggs.
- Dissing voting: Disenfranchised, disenchanted, disengaged, disinclined...
- international news: Colombia; Haiti; France; Mexico; Turkey; Netherlands; Poland; Free West Papua; India; Bangladesh; Philippines; Ukraine. Plus: Victory for the U'wa; 21st IWA Congress; People's Caravan; Future Events.
- globalfocus: Nigeria: African Anarchism - Parliamentary 'democracy' is still very young in Nigeria. Yet already, people are seeing through the bullshit. Interviews with members of the anarchosyndicalist Awareness League.
- Politics is for life: Not just for polling booths: To many people, politics is Blair's ability to go through life unaware that he has the charisma of a whizzed up pharmaceuticals executive...
- We don't need no (authoritarian) education
Talk another brick in the wall. We don't need a New Labour education but we could use some self-education. Not a new idea - but one that needs renewing. - notes+letters Anarchist Social Work; Killing Inside; When Nike Don't Like Selling Trainers...
- justicepage Letters from Mark Barnsley and a Turkish prisoner.
- review - Genetic Engineering - Dream or nightmare?
- music reviews: Various Artists - Live at the Complex 2 - Entartete Kunst / The NO WTO Combo - Live from the Battle in Seattle - Alternative Tentacles Records
- books and pamphlets reviews:
Against Parliament, For Anarchism - Anarchist Federation
Anarchism - Arguments For and Against - Albert Meltzer
Bash the Fash - K. Bullstreet
Cold Catches Fire
Do or Die #9 - UKplc: On the slide: Tony Blair says it's the exchange rate (wait for the Euro). From Thatcher to New Labour, politicians have been manufacturing excuses for the decline of manufacturing for three decades. The truth is rather revealing.
- DA resources SolFed info., forthcoming events, campaigns, actions, friends and neighbours.
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