The July/August 2006 issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Contents include:
- 115 unionists killed in 2005
- Australian Wobs call for general strike by Marcus Neofitou
- May Day actions kill anti-immigrant law?
- Readers' soapbox
- Starbucks workers at fifth New York store join IWW
- May week in Edmonton by Desiree Schell
- International actions for Starbucks workers' rights
- Pittsburgh grocery workers go IWW
- Online campaigns: survey shows promise and challenge by Eric Lee
- Bosses seek chemical gag rule by Confined Spaces blog
- Anti-sweatshop all stars converge on Pittsburgh by Kenneth Miller
- Leveraging union power for social change: the Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas by Paul Bocking
- Mexican teachers' struggle for better conditions inseparable from fight for social justice by Paul Bocking
- Remembering the Coors strike by Gary Cox
- March to the left by Dorice McDaniels
- Action against tip stealer challenged by Mark R. Woldd
- War, protesters and the longshoremen by Eric Chase
- Neither the "open shop" nor the dues check-off by Nick Driedger
- Book Review: All together now: common sense for a fair economy by Jared Bernstein
- Can we afford the rich - Mass evictions by corps in NYC by Mark R. Wolff
- World labor solidarity
For paper subscription info, please visit the IW page at